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没带鱼就吃汉堡吧!From cutlass fish down to hamburgers.

突然,我发现格雷没有武器,便把我的弯刀给了他。At the same time, observing Gray to be unarmed, I handed him my cutlass.

与此同时,我注意到葛雷没有武器,于是便把我的弯刀递给了他。At the same time, observing Gray to be unarmed, I handed him my cutlass.

邪恶海盗笑坏透了他们,指着他的弯刀隆重。The evil pirate grinned wickedly down at them, gesturing grandly with his cutlass.

这时,第三个海盗突然出现在门口,举着他的腰刀扑向医生。Meanwhile a third pirate appeared suddenly in the doorway, and fell with his cutlass on the doctor.

我机械地服从命令向东转,举着弯刀跑步绕过屋角。Mechanically I obeyed, turned eastwards, and with my cutlass raised, ran round the corner of the house.

现在,他采取了一项警戒措施,就是当他饮酒时,把那把水手用的短刀抽出来放到他面前的桌子上。He had an alarming way now when he was drunk of drawing his cutlass and laying it bare before him on the table.

斯密喜欢给什么东西都起一个好听的名字,他管他的短弯刀叫约翰开瓶钻,因为他喜欢用刀在伤口里旋转。Smee had pleasant names for everything, and his cutlass was Johnny Corkscrew, because he wiggled it in the wound.

这回装的是猪肉、火药和面包干,此外,只为乡绅、我、雷卓斯、以及船长每个人各带了一支火枪和一柄弯刀。Pork, powder, and biscuit was the cargo, with only a musket and a cutlass apiece for the squire and me and Redruth and the captain.

英国国防部还同时展示了“短剑”无人驾驶炸弹处理车,目前正在考文垂的诺索普格鲁曼公司工厂生产。The MOD also demonstrated the Cutlass unmanned bomb disposal vehicle, which is being built at the Northop Grumman plant in Coventry.

“先生,”我说,“我是为你着想,船长不同从前了,现在他拿着刀坐在那里。另外一位先生——”"Sir, " said I, "it is for yourself I mean. The captain is not what he used to be. He sits with a drawn cutlass. Another gentleman--"

我从那堆弯刀中抓了一把,有人同时也抓了一把,结果在我指关节上划了一刀,但我当时几乎没有感到疼痛。I snatched a cutlass from the pile, and someone, at the same time snatching another, gave me a cut across the knuckles which I hardly felt.