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症状有紫绀和运动不耐。Signs include cyanosis and exercise intolerance.

再观察他的皮肤,无黄疸和发绀。Clinton's skin, you cannot see any jaundice or cyanosis.

临床表现为心悸和紫绀。The clinical manifestations were palpitation and cyanosis.

主要症状有咳嗽、气急与紫绀。The chief symptoms were cough, breathlessness and cyanosis.

新生婴儿发绀了,父母很着急。The new born baby's cyanosis worried its parents very much.

中心型发绀提示先天性心脏病的可能性极高。Central cyanosis makes a congenital cardiac disorder highly likely.

症状包括呼吸困难、紫绀和运动不耐。Signs include difficulty breathing, cyanosis , and exercise intolerance.

紫绀是新生儿有问题的主要的迹象。Cyanosis is the major indication that there is a problem with your newborn.

随着到全身的血液携带的氧量的减少,紫绀变得更严重。Cyanosis becomes worse as blood with lower amounts of oxygen travels to the body.

存在先天性心脏病的婴儿会出现发绀现象,或者在喂奶的时候很容易疲乏。Babies with congenital heart defects may have cyanosis or tire easily when feeding.

暴发型为前驱症状之后,很快出现呼吸困难、发绀。After cruel hairstyle is prodrome, appear very quickly breathe difficult , cyanosis.

蓝色可以显示紫绀,如缺乏流通,可以是非常严重的。Blueness can indicate cyanosis such as from lack of circulation and can be very serious.

他的痛苦消失后,一届的,然而,他HBO发绀症有明显的减少。His pains disappeared after a session of HBO, however, and his cyanosis decreased significantly.

右心室肥大引起右向左分流,导致发绀。The obstruction to right ventricular outflow creates a right-to-left shunt that leads to cyanosis.

单心室患者早期必须采取手术治疗,防止肺部充血和严重缺氧。For the single ventricle, early surgical intervention is required to prevent pulmonary congestion and severe cyanosis.

某些迟发性紫绀的先天性心脏病与艾森门格综合征较难鉴别,诊断务必谨慎。Tardive cyanosis caused by some congenital heart diseases must be carefully diagnosed for the similarity to that of Eisenmenger syndrome.

TGA的婴儿大约半数在生后最初的几个小时里发现紫绀,90%的在生后头几天里发现。Cyanosis is noted in the first hours of life in about half of the infants with TGA, and within the first days of life in 90 percent of them.

一名两个月大的女屻,因自四十五日大时由于吸吮力差,喂奶时易发绀和呛奶,而住进本院做进一步的检查。A 2-month-old female infant, presented with frequent choking and cyanosis during feeding, and poor sucking capability since the age of 45 days.

在刚开始感觉到轻微不适之后,突然之间患者会感觉胃部剧痛伴随强烈呕吐、极度干渴、脸色惨白。After an early feeling of slight discomfort, there is a sudden onset of extreme stomach pain, violent vomiting, intense thirst, and cyanosis of the extremities.

多数病例在发病时常首先出现寒战、烦躁不安、咳嗽、气急、发绀、呕吐等症。Most case of illness is coming on appear above all constantly shiver , is irritating , coughs the disease such as vomiting of , of cyanosis of urgent , of cough , gas.