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这一点有时候私下里不无嘲讽地承认。In private this was sometimes cynically admitted.

你和我在一起的时候怀疑过会找到有更好的人吗?Were you cynically staying with me till you found someone better?

很讽刺的是,在散兵坑里没有无神论者。It is often cynically said that there are no atheists in foxholes.

有些妇女采用一种不屑或者高度不信任的态度回答问题。Some women who answered the questions were found to be cynically hostile, or highly untrusting of others.

就是说,不能强捏着鼻子投资获利在当下咯?Does that mean there won't be profits to be made by cynically holding your nose and investing in the moment?

有些回答了问题的妇女是那种对人有敌意的嘲笑或极为不信任他人。Some women who answered the questions were found to bex x cynically hostile, or highly untrusting of others.

我们不依不饶,不安其位,居然连续两个赛季捧得联赛冠军。We cynically barged in, rose well above our station and stole the Premier League title two seasons in a row.

这个新成员被嘲为“生肉坯”,和一个“教练”面对面跪坐几个小时,闭着眼睛。The recruit, cynically referred to as "raw meat, " sits knee to knee with a "coach" for hours, her eyes closed.

他看清了白宫是如何借助他的上司鲍威尔的知名度,对其冷嘲热讽,同时又对他的知名度妒火中烧。He saw how the White House cynically used the popularity of his boss, Mr Powell, while being wildly jealous of it.

童心未泯的成年人在享受完那段信你的时光后讽刺地指出这是在浪费大家的宝贵时间。Kidadults cynically pointing this out after having their moment of belief in you are wasting everyone's precious time.

一些回答问题的妇女愤世嫉俗或者极度不相信他人。Some women who answered the questions were found to be snikly hostel cynically hostile, or highly untrusting of others.

参与调查的有些妇女被发现是不友善的或者高度不信任别人。Some women who answered the questions were found to be smically cynically hostile, or highly untrusting about of others.

有批评者称此举在于安抚德国选民,把责任归咎于欧洲宽松的经济政策。Other critics said it was cynically designed to reassure German voters that Europe's laxer economies would be held to account.

他们冷笑着煽动起民众的情绪,点燃他们心中的妒火,让他们决心捍卫“自己的正义”要求把财富再分配。And they cynically appeal to emotions, inflaming the envy and misplaced sense of justice that drive demands for the redistribution of wealth.

可笑的是,在西门町的每个周末,总有漂亮新面孔的男孩女孩,在推销他们的专辑给青少年。Every weekend in Hsimenting, new cute boys and girls with limited talent and average voices, are cynically marketed to teenagers to sell CDs.

奥巴马会见利忘义屈从诱惑,打出战争牌,并按派普斯的说法“震晕保守派”,从而挽救他自己和他的政党吗?Will Obama cynically yield to temptation, play the war card and make “conservatives swoon, ” in Pipes’ phrase, to save himself and his party?

抱着理想主义的美国人,甚至那些狂热的反共分子,都不至于有能力不近人性地故意挑动它和苏联火并。Idealistic Americans, and even those who were fervent anti-Communists, were unlikely to be capable of cynically and deliberately embroiling it with the Soviet Union.

对于那些态度玩世不恭的人,这也意味着你的行为受到较少的审视,这让你得以做一些那些公开上市的竞争对手做不了的事。For those more cynically minded, it also means your actions are subject to less scrutiny, allowing you to do things your publicly-listed rivals may not get away with.

比赛中还有一个争论在上半场末段,当时已经吃到一张黄牌的斯科尔斯,粗野地在右边线阻挡了帕拉希奥思的前进。There was also controversy late in the first period when Paul Scholes, who had already been booked, cynically blocked off the run of Wilson Palacios by the right touchline.

我认为唆使小孩开始抽烟是邪恶的,人为操纵选举或政治程序是邪恶的,对人们撒谎并导致悲惨后果是邪恶的。I think it's evil to persuade kids to start smoking, to cynically manipulate the electoral or political process, to lie to people in ways that cause disastrous side effects.