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我和他下了一盘西洋棋。He's a dab at chess.

他仅浅涉政治而已。He just dab bles in politics.

在每个角轻轻涂上胶水。Put a dab of glue on each corner.

这是固定使用,民建联的高温硅。No, it is a little dab of nitrous oxide.

她顿了一下,用面纸擦拭了一下眼睛。She paused to dab at her eyes with tissue.

轻易找到吗?是的,很轻易。在前门大街上。Yes, very easy. It's on Qianmen Street. DaB.

路易十四和查理二世都是个中里手。Both Louis XIV and Charles II were dab hands.

这位老师是对付调皮鬼的老手。This teacher is a dab hand with naughty boys.

民建联是立法会内的最大政党。The DAB is the largest political party in Legco.

用吸墨纸轻轻按了一下,墨水就干了。One dab with blot ting-paper and the ink was dry.

这是固定使用,民建联的高温硅。This was fixed by using a dab of high temp silicon.

民建联原本表示会反对杀局。The DAB had said it would oppose the abolition plan.

她回来时,两边面颊上涂有一点淡淡的胭脂。She returned wearing a dab of rouge on each cheekbone.

这次也不要用太多的水。只涂上少量的颜料就可以了。Again, try not to use too much water. Just dab the paint on.

这笔款今天到期,因此我希望你立即付清。The payment is due today, so I hope you'll dab down at once.

紧急情况下,涂上一点蜂蜜,然后用绷带包扎。In a pinch, dab on a little honey and then cover with a bandage.

灵犀,想仔细,一叹,咸苦之泪,轻拍土壤出清溪。Musing, pondering, a breath, a briny tear, a dab of liquid or soil.

宾斯是板球好手,青年的时候曾代表郡比赛。Binns was a dab hand at cricket and played for his county in his youth.

对于皮肤细小瑕疵,用肉色遮瑕乳轻擦涂抹均匀。For minor skin flaws, dab on light flesh-tone concealer and gently blend.

主要输家则是民建联和工联会,评分分别下跌6.7和5.1分。The major losers are DAB and FTU, they lost 6.7 and 5.1 marks respectively.