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她能勇往直前毫无惧色。She went ahead, nothing daunted.

首次的约会使他畏怯。He was daunted by his first date.

李新明说,他没有被报道引起的反响吓倒。He said he isn't daunted by the backlash.

不要被你面前堆积如山的工作震慑住!Don’t be daunted by the amount of work you’re facing!

还有那么多工作要做,弄得他灰心丧气。He was daunted by the amount of work still to be done.

不要因那大量待做的工作而失去信心。Don't be daunted by the amount of work still to be done.

他感觉非常沮丧,难以面对他。He felt completely daunted by the difficulties that faced him.

面临众多困难,他感觉万分沮丧。He felt completely daunted by the difficulties that faced him.

这样的听众讲话,就有些胆小。I was rather daunted by the thought of addressing such an audience.

空气甜美,树叶翠绿,却只能叫他胆怯心慌。The sweetness of the air and the greenness of the leaves daunted him.

转到世湄在玄会长的家门前说我搬来了,不入虎穴焉得虎子。Go to the mai said in front of xuan, chairman of the house I moved here, he daunted.

可惜他自恃很擅长喝酒,根本不把我的忠告当回事儿。He was not at all daunted by this advice, considering himself quite an accomplished drinker.

BYD很擅长电池,并且也对复杂的汽车制造充满了信心。BYD knew a lot about batteries, and it was not daunted by the complexities of car-making either.

投资人由于只能从其创新中获得一半利润而感到气馁。The clear message that they might keep only half of the profit from their ideas daunted inventors.

最想要的礼物送给巴伦蒂内斯一天是情书,但也有许多人太难倒尝试写作。The most wanted gift for Valentines Day is a love letter , but many are too daunted to attempt writing one.

一个从容淡定的人不会被艰难险阻所影响或被其吓到,他只会一次又一次地去尝试。A person possessing detachment will not be affected or daunted by obstacles or failures and will try again and again.

不要怕人说你的想法疯狂,因为这往往表明你正在做有创新、有前途的事。Don't be daunted when people say your ideas are crazy. That's often an indicator you're onto something innovative and promising.

船长泰然自若的态度令人高深莫测,而他本人又是那么一位神秘的人物,因此信差珀奇被吓唬住了。The Captain's equanimity was so impenetrable, and he was altogether so mysterious a being, that Perch the messenger was daunted.

这位44岁的中年男子说,他作这样的选择时也曾犹豫过——他没有快餐经营的经验,而失业的经历也让他信心倍受打击。The 44-year-old says he was daunted by jumping into the fast-food business. He had no experience, and his confidence was shaken after losing his livelihood.

只要我们以积极的态度面对困难,不为困难所吓倒,一定就能够战胜困难,成为一名生活和工作中的勇士!As long as we face the difficulties with a positive attitude, not daunted by difficulties. Must be able to overcome difficulties and become a living and working in the warriors!