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他让你变聋了吗?Did he deafen you?

这些输入信息使我们对现实充耳不闻、视而不见。These inputs deafen and blind us to reality.

不一会儿,它响得足以震聋塔上的众人,他们正捂着耳朵。Soon it is loud enough to deafen those in the towers, who cover their ears.

从中山路出发,喝一杯热浓浓的奶茶,街界旁林立的商店开着震耳欲聋的响音。Starting from Zhongshan Road, drink a cup of hot thick tea, bounded by bristly shop open deafen the ear with its roar sound.

正在千钧一发之际,由深邃的天空中,穿来了震耳欲聋的炮声,之后伴随而来的便是超多的引擎声。Is be in grave occasion, by the deep sky, wear to deafen the ear with its roar of guns, followed by the sound of the engine is more than.

有些面具在耳朵的部分还有填料,可以让佩带者无法听到声音,那些真正反抗的女孩可能会被带上这样的面具。Some of these had padding at the ears also to deafen the wearer to some degree and these would be put on girls who were truly rebellious.

另外,有些部队还配有远程声学装置,也就是噪音大炮,用来发布口头警告,或让任何挡道者耳聋。And some have the long-range acoustic device, a sound cannon that can be used to issue verbal warnings, or deafen anyone who stands in its path.

我们的紧急会议总是被美军直升飞机的轰鸣声打断,不过大家心知肚明,在这种商店银行没有开放营业的地方,有军队稳定局势是何等重要。US Army helicopters constantly deafen out our emergency meeting but everyone knows the military presence is vital in this landscape with no open shops or banks.

这项研究报告发布在今天的生物实验杂志上,研究者警告说,噪音的污染可导致鲸鱼失聪,这和化学污染一样的可怕。In their report, published today in The Journal of Experimental Biology, the researchers warn that noise pollution—as well as chemical pollution—could deafen whales.

这样的表达暗示这些卫星,还有导航及预警卫星,“将会成为第一批打击目标,以图让敌人变成瞎子和聋子。”" Such writings suggest that those satellites, and navigation and early-warning satellites, "could be among initial targets of attack to blind and deafen the enemy, " it said.

她有些受惊了,便用头发把耳朵遮住不去听,一面走过去跪着看她供奉了十五年的那个没有生命的东西。She was somewhat aroused by it, knotted her hair upon her ears in order to deafen herself, and resumed her contemplation, on her knees, of the inanimate object which she had adored for fifteen years.