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肉身开始腐烂Decay sets in.

它不会朽坏。It knows no decay.

容颜未老心渐逝。Face not old heart decay.

它后来陷落衰败。It had fallen into decay.

鲜水果容易腐烂。Fresh fruit tend to decay.

糖果会蛀蚀牙齿。Sweets can decay the teeth.

蛀牙对牙质有影像吗?Does decay affect the dentin?

他的牙齿已开始蛀蚀。His teeth have begun to decay.

冰能防止食物腐烂。Lce preserves food from decay.

氡来自镭的衰变。Radon comes from radium decay.

薛定谔的原子一定会衰变。Schrodinger's atom will decay.

这一类的水果很容易腐烂。Fruits of this kind soon decay.

是由蛀蚀造成的。Cavities in teeth are caused by decay.

牙齿上的空洞是由龋蚀造成的。Cavities in teeth are caused by decay.

它甚至可以修复早期龋病。It can even reverse early tooth decay.

让那种爬行的人不断跟“衰老”缠绵。Let him who crawls enamour'd of decay.

设若不如此,愚蠢衰冷逝Without this folly, age, and cold decay

可是,爱尔兰-你的英锐不减!But thy courage, O Erin! may never decay.

我并不认为污垢就等于死亡和腐臭。I don’t equate dirt with death and decay.

看来所有国家都会逐渐衰败的。It seems that all countries decay in time.