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他为人正派。He is a man of decency.

他行为不正派。He is a man of decency.

我说他为人正派且风度翩翩。His decency and his grace?

他承认了自己的错误,真是会做人。He had the decency to admit his error.

以截住我们诚正与庄重的旗帜To catch our flag of integrity and decency

她的餐室有清洁溜溜的规矩。Her dining-room had the decency of clean bareness.

这种行为伤害了我们正常的得体感。Such conduct outrages our normal sense of decency.

然而,她懂得如何在约会时保持体面礼貌。However, she understood a basic rule of decency in dating.

他的正直感和公平竞争意识使他拒绝了这一提议。His sense of decency and fair play made him refuse the offer.

他出演的角色语言坦率,文雅庄重,深受观众喜爱。He is beloved for his roles as plain-speaking men of humane decency.

这些产品也缺少基本的尊重用户的礼貌。Our software-enabled products also fail to act with a basic level of decency.

像蒂姆·凯恩这样的领导人向我们的孩子展示了何为正派和奉献。Leaders like Tim Kaine, who show our kids what decency and devotion look like.

泱泱大国,礼仪兴邦,时值和谐美满的太平盛世。Great country, decency and prosperous, at a time of peace and harmonious happy.

这些行为违反了国际准则及每一项正当行为标准。These actions violate international norms and every standard of common decency.

底座平切的翅膀,则是稳定正派诚实的表征。The flat wings shown on the bottom symbolize steadiness, decency and faithfulness.

新闻界在各个方面都在逾越明显的礼节和得体界限。The press is overstepping in every direction the obvious bounds of propriety and decency.

递茶杯、传蛋糕所造成的忙乱大受欢迎,在忙乱之中建立了一种有形的体统。Amid the welcome confusion of cups and cakes a certain physical decency established itself.

但作为一个人类,你根本无法这样做,还要保留任何基本的明智或体面。but as a human being, you simply cannot do so and retain any sort of basicsanity or decency.

因此顾客的愿望就压倒了关于几乎其他一切问题的考量——包括安全和基本的廉耻。And so the customers’ desires can trumpalmost anything else—including safety and basic decency.

当然,有许多我们出于基本的人类尊严而应该做的事情却常常没有完成。Of course, there are a lot of things we should do out of basic human decency that often go undone.