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在声学中我们采用分贝标度。In sound we use the decibel scale.

分贝是用来测定声音大小的单位。The decibel is the unit used to measure the loudness of sound.

在先前章节有谈到,分贝是和指数及对数有关。The decibel is related to the exponents and logarithms described in prior sections.

分贝是声音的标准单位,正常谈话的声音大约在60分贝左右。A decibel is a standard unit of sound, and normal conversation is around 60 decibels.

如果你们把这分材料传阅一下,就可以看到校园内一些声音的分贝含量。If you pass along this hand-out, we can take a look at the decibel level of some common campus sounds.

此外,本催化净化器还可比消音器减少噪音3—7分贝。Besides, this converter can also reduce the noice by 3-7 decibel more than that in the exhaust muffler.

沿着扶手电梯来到半山腰的机动游戏区,跳楼机就在人最多、发出最高分贝的地方。Along the hillside escalators to the mobile game, jumped to his plane in a maximum, a maximum decibel place.

WideNoise是一款iPhone应用,它对噪音分贝值进行抽样测量,并将音量值显示在交互式地图中。WideNoise is an iPhone application that samples decibel noise levels, displaying them on an interactive map.

当下高耗能社会所产生的噪音分贝在与日俱增,越来越多的人出现了听力障碍。The decibel count goes steadily up in high-energy societies, and more and more people suffer from defective hearing.

如果你准备打造开放性的办公室的话,那么你就要好好考虑一下在大分贝噪音影响下的员工们应该如何安置。If you’re going to go with an open office plan, be sure to think about where you place employees who operate at higher decibel levels.

很明显,你可能很想知道,为什么iPhone不用更线性的方式来测量接收强度,每格表示的分贝值相同呢?Obviously, you'd wonder why the iPhone wouldn't measure signal in a more linear fashion, where the decibel value for each bar is equal.

在听力测试完后,专家告诉我,我能轻松听到的音量值已经是常人的两倍。After my hearing tests, the audiologist told me that the decibel level at which I am comfortable hearing is twice that of a normal person.

在繁华的杭州市,居委会已经开始了系统性的噪音监控措施,在跳舞者聚集的区域用分贝仪测量噪音。Inprosperous Hangzhou, residential committees have begun a systematic noise-monitoringprogram, using decibel meters, in areas where dancers congregate.

五格信号强度的分贝范围很大,因为在信号好的地方精确测量信号并没有在信号差地方测量那么重要。The decibel range for five bars of reception is so large because precise measurement in such an area is less important than in areas with poor reception.

有趣的是,这场比赛可谓一场“尖叫大战”,两位女子网坛都很爱叫的选手,让这场决赛的分贝有点高。Interestingly, the game can be described as a "screaming war", the two women's tennis players all love to call, so the decibel level of this final bit high.

与金属管相比,凯佳产品不需进一步隔音来降低相对高速水流所产生的噪音分贝数。Compared with metal pipe clean health products need further sound insulation is it reduce high-speed noise decibel that rivers produce count relatively to come.

如果狗颈部的毛都竖立起来,或是它用低分贝咆哮,或是呈掠夺、跟踪姿势,那么周围肯定存在不安全因素。If the dog's hackles are up if it gives a low decibel growl or if it engages in a predatory stalking posture then there is probably a danger in the environment.

如果狗颈部的毛都竖立起来,或是它用低分贝咆哮,或是呈掠夺、跟踪姿势,那么周围肯定存在不安全因素。If the dog's hackles are up, if it gives a low decibel growl, or if it engages in a predatory, stalking posture, then there is probably a danger in the environment.

随着国内外轴承市场对低噪音轴承的需求量的增加、对轴承振动与噪声分贝值越来越低的要求,使得低噪音轴承的研制工作显得日益重要。With the increase and demand in low voice and low decibel vibration bearing in world market, the research in low noise bearing has become more and more significant.

对此,设计师表示,隔音室的墙上铺有专业隔音棉,里头还设有分贝检测仪,乘客可藉此抒发情绪。The designer said that the walls of the soundproof room have professional sound insulation cotton and a decibel detector so that passengers can release their emotions.