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所以你能够对付庄家任何的打牌线路。So you are ready for whatever line declarer chooses.

你会怎么打,例如,当庄家打出一张方块?What do you do, for instance, if declarer plays a diamond?

集中申报人应提供其身份证明或注册登记证明。A declarer shall provide his identify certificate or its registration certificate.

我已经研究在许多变化中打成这副牌,庄家始终可以在最后力挽狂澜。I won't go into the many variations, but declarer can always prevail in the ending.

现在,乌尔希陷于黑花色的紧逼之下,庄家在这种打法上不会犯错误。Now Woolsey was subjected to a black-suit squeeze, and declarer did not err in the play.

牌戏中一圈牌,尤指桥牌,失去它就阻止叫王牌者无法叫牌。A trick in card games, especially bridge, the loss of which prevents a declarer from making a contract.

它常常发生在庄家既需要清光将牌又需要将吃边花的牌局中。It often happens that declarer lacks the wherewithal both to draw trumps and to ruff out the side suit.

一旦防守方的交通被切断,庄家就能不冒险地去建立他的第九墩牌。Once the defensive communications have been cut, declarer may be able to establish his ninth trick without risk.

第三条申报人可以自行申报,也可以依照有关规定委托他人代理申报。Article 3 A declarer can make declaration by itself or authorize any other party to do so under the relevant provisions.

庄家用CA赢进,轻松的拿到1墩黑桃,6墩红心,1墩草花和2墩将吃的方块。Declarer won with his ace and in the fullness of time took one spade, six hearts, one club and two diamond ruffs in his hand.

在轮到其打牌时或从明手出牌时,庄家都可以要求戍守一方解释其叫牌或其所打牌的寄义。At his turn to play from his hand or from dummy declarer may request an explanation of a defender's call or card play understandings.

若申报人为境外企业或自然人,还应提交当地相关机构出具的公证认证文件。A declarer that is an overseas enterprise or a natural person shall also provide a notarial certification issued by the local authority.

明显地东不该垫掉一张梅花,然而如果他垫一张红心,从明手引一此红心就足以让庄家建立好两个赢墩。Clearly East cannot give up a club, and if he parts with a heart, one lead from dummy suffices to establish two heart tricks for declarer.

双明手,石淼这个庄须得兑现HA,DA过手,将吃一张草花,然后打方块。这个牙医妙招可以避免将牌升级。Double-dummy, declarer had to cash HA, cross to DA, ruff a club and then run the diamonds. This Dentist's Coup avoids the trump promotion.

境外申报人应委托在境内有住所的代理人或文件签收人,并提供联系方式。An overseas declarer shall authorize a proxy or recipient who has domicile in China and provide the contact information of the proxy or recipient.

危险货物申报员和集装箱检查员的监管是加强集装箱危险货物运输管理的重要环节。The system of dangerous goods declarer and container packing inspector form an important part in enhancement of the dangerous goods container control.

申报人委托他人代理申报的,应出具授权委托书,并提供其联系方式及文件送达地址。A declarer that authorizes a proxy to handle the declaration formalities shall issue a power of attorney and provide the contact information and address for service.

北京市国际税收研究会办税人员分会是北京市地方税收系统30余万办税人员的行业组织,负有办税人员的行业管理职能。The Tax Declarer Branch of Beijing International Taxation Research Association is an organization in Beijing local taxation system comprising more than 300,000 members.

报关员需要延续报关员注册有效期的,应当办理报关员注册延续手续。If a declarer needs to extend the valid term for the registration of declarers , he shall go through the formalities for extending the registration of customs declarers.

除非法规禁止,打牌阶段庄家和任一防家都可指出违规。牌张摆放不正确参见第65条B3。Unless prohibited by Law, declarer or either defender may draw attention to an irregularity that occurs during the play period. For incorrectly pointed card see Law 65B3.