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她用灵巧的手指编结著。She was knitting with deft fingers.

巧手儿什么都会做。A deft hand can do just about anything.

许多文学珍品出自他的生花妙笔。Many literary gems flew from his deft pen.

她用灵巧的手指解开了电线。With deft fingers, she untangled the wire.

这是坦率灵巧的外交。This is was plain-speaking, deft diplomacy.

举手投足之间极尽优雅与华贵,敏捷与灵巧。Every movement has elegance and economy, is swift and deft.

他同时也是一名才思敏捷的小说家,很善于搜集对话方面的素材。He is a very deft novelist too, with a superb ear for dialogue.

他手指敏捷,飞快地一舔,就卷好一支细细的香烟。With deft fingers and a quick lick, he rolled a thin cigarette.

优质的丝毯是灵巧的织工们汗水的结晶。Top quality silk rugs are the crystallization of our deft weavers'work.

邓恩生性好奇而且敢于冒险,是天生的记者,同时也是娴熟的写手。Curious and enterprising, Dunne is a natural journalist and a deft writer.

有一些公司却很灵活,他们找到了将环保政策变成商业利润的方法。Some businesses will come up with deft ways of turning green policies into profits.

现在面临的挑战是迫切需要一个同样娴熟的政策制定和管理的能力。Now the challenge cries out for a similarly deft touch in policy design and management.

厨房的木料和金属带来隆重的感觉,玻璃的通透渗出轻便。The timber of the kitchen and metal bring grand sense, of glass connect fully oozy and deft.

他说这只是在禁区里一次灵巧的触球,但是我认为很多人都不相信。He's saying it was a deft touch into the corner but I don't think many of the lads believe him!

可以用轻便的静电除尘刷擦拭灰尘,它能防止静电产生。Can use deft electrostatic remove dust brush wipe dirt, it can prevent electrostatic generation.

一些心灵手巧的年轻女孩可以自己做花瓣美容,这使得其他人非常羡慕。Some deft young women are able to make cosmetics by flowers themselves, which makes others jealous.

一个乐观的篆刻家使灵巧和活跃的笔触而清醒的人总是整洁的。A sanguine seal engraver makes deft and buoyant strokes while a sober person makes careful and neat ones.

老李依旧麻利的脱了个精光,把自己还有他,这点事老李还是轻车熟路得心应手的。Still hear his deft off his shirt, and his own, or talk of the town hundreds of times before this thing handy.

他对逊位问题处理得很机巧,使他在两个星期内从深渊上升到宝塔的尖顶。His deft and skilful handling of the abdication issue raised him in a fortnight from the depth to the pinnacle.

回顾往昔,现在看来如今已经能在酋长球场获得主力位置的拉姆塞当初加盟枪手的决定是多么的明智。In retrospect, this seems to have been a deft decision as Ramsey is now in the starting lineup at the Emirates.