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他们把他当作半神和神秘的导师。They considered him a demigod and mysterious teacher.

崇拜半神的神职人员也是十分的稀有。Priesthoods based on the worship of a demigod are extremely rare.

从林守护者是半神塞纳留斯的儿子们。The enchanted Keepers are the favored sons of the demigod Cenarius.

随着半神之死,他们继续腐蚀着古老的森林。With the demigod dead, they went on to corrupt the ancient forests.

半神塞纳留斯一直住在海加尔山的月光林地附近。The demigod Cenarius remained nearby in the Moonglades of Mount Hyjal.

至于半神能否被杀掉的问题已经无需再问。Sadly there is no question as to whether or not a demigod can be slain.

暗夜精灵们声称半人马是半神塞纳留斯的私生子。Night elves claim that centaur are the bastard children of the demigod Cenarius.

一日,玛法里奥听闻到几个关于一个隐居中的森林半神的传说。One day Malfurion came across several legends that referenced a reclusive demigod of the forests.

希拉非常痛恨宙斯,以及跟他有关的人和半神们。Hera abhors Hercules as damnable evidence of her husband's infidelities , yet the demigod has his allies.

无论奉爱者带着信念,希望礼拜哪一种半人神,我都一定会使其信念保持坚定。Whichever demigod a particular devotee desires with faith to worship, I surely sustain firmly the faith in him.

在确认兽人再次显示出了他们好战的本性之后,半神塞纳留斯亲自前来驱逐这些兽人。Certain that the orcs had returned to their warlike ways, the demigod Cenarius came forth to drive Hellscream and his orcs back.

有些人指责采取P2P的对等网模式是这个痛苦的源泉。但是,大多数即时战略游戏都是采取了某种形式的P2P网络。是什么让半神变得如此不同?Some people are blaming Peer to Peer as the source of the pain. But most RTS's use some form of P2P. What makes Demigod different?

在泰兰德的帮助下,伊利丹控制住了自己,并帮助兄弟找到了隐居的半神塞纳留斯。However, with Tyrande's patient support, he was able to restrain himself and help his brother find the reclusive demigod , Cenarius.

我想要认为,这是第一个故事关系到是现代人的个人,虽然它依旧被半神的英雄所包围。It is, I like to think, the first story concerned with an individual who, although still surrounded by demigod heroes, is a modern man.

在一起,他们的进攻,最终戈被珀西首个证实他的神的儿子本事海王星。Together, they attack the Gorgons, who are eventually overtaken by Percy in the first demonstration of his demigod abilities in The Son of Neptune.

我们一直面临着一大骇人的恐惧,害怕有朝一日某一发疯的巫师会召集起一整支由骷髅怪组成的不死军队。How long until we are confronted by the terrifying specter of an undead army of skeletal warriors raised by some crazed sorcerer or would-be demigod?

关于奥运会的记录可追溯至公元前776年。但通常人们认为是希腊神话中宙斯的儿子,大力士英雄赫拉克勒斯在更早的时候创办了这些比赛。Record of the Olympics dates back to 776 BC. But it is believed that the god greek demigod Heracles, son of Zeus founded the games many years before.

随着继续依据半神指导的暗夜精灵人数逐渐的减少,塞纳留斯伤心的意识到他所有的努力已经化为泡影。The number of night elves pursuing their studies with the demigod dwindled, and Cenarius was grieved to realize that all his work had been for naught.

在阿根廷半人半神——马拉多纳教堂1998年开放,信徒有10万之众——但上帝之手确保其成为英格兰永远的魔鬼。A demigod in Argentina – the Church of Maradona opened in 1998 and has 100, 000 worshippers – but the Hand of God goal ensured he is England's eternal bogeyman.

在暗夜精灵的传说中,阿莱克斯塔萨与半神塞纳留斯是非常亲密的朋友,在燃烧军团第一次入侵的过程中,正是塞纳留斯召唤她参战的。Rumors among the night elves suggest Alexstrasza and the demigod Cenarius were close friends, and that it was he that called her during the first invasion of the Burning Legion.