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减去最低的公分母。Reduced to the lowest common denominator.

您需要输入结果的分子和分母。You have to enter numerator and denominator.

记住,在这里平衡是一种常见的分母。Remember, balance is a common denominator here.

您需要输入结果的分子和分母。You have to enter the numerator and the denominator.

分母愈大则分数的值愈小。The denominator is the smaller the value of the fraction.

那是不好的手段,因为无形中扩大了分母。That is a bad approach, because it inflates the denominator.

第一步是使分数的分母有理化。The first step is to rationalize the denominator of a fraction.

上式中分母的第二项可以略去。The second term in the last-written denominator can be dropped.

许多低压力的工作都有个共同点那就是其效果切实可见。A common denominator of many low-stress jobs is tangible results.

节拍符号貌似一个分数,包括上面的分子与下面的分母。It looks like a fraction, consisting of a numerator and a denominator.

直到你在低压,这里这一项成为分母的主要部分。Until you go to low pressure, where now this term dominates the denominator.

分数值与分母值成反比例。The value of a fraction is inversely proportional to that of the denominator.

有两个极限情况,我们可以通过看分母来判断。There are two limiting cases, which we can tell by looking at the denominator.

各人支配生活的一个共同之处就是每人每天有24小时。A common denominator which governs life is that everybody has 24 hours in a day.

然而,在虚拟环境中,分母现在也是随机的值。In the virtual world, though, the denominator can now be a random value as well.

您需要输入结果的分数的整数部分及其分子和分母。You have to enter the integer part of the fraction and the numerator and the denominator.

如果你挑选的每个人都是笨蛋,那么你也跟那些人有相同之处。If every guy “you pick” is a jerk, then you are the common denominator in those situations.

我们已经变得越来越粗俗和贪婪,紧紧地和致上的金钱和最低的共同欲望结合起来。We've grown vulgar and venal, wedded to the almighty dollar and the lowest common denominator.

重量栏中,分子为转矩型重量,分母为推力型重量。In the bar of weight, numerator is weight of torque mode, denominator is weight of thrust mode.

因此,所有致癌物质的共通点,似乎是它们都能随机引起非整倍体。Thus, the common denominator of all carcinogens seems to be their initiation of random aneuploidy.