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这是一个贬义词。it's a derogatory word.

爱荷华同性恋者的贬义称呼。Derogatory term for a gay Iowan.

但反复无常应该是一个贬义词。But the play fast and loose is a derogatory term.

“玉米包装工就是爱荷华同性恋者的贬义称呼。”"Corn packer is a derogatory term for a gay Iowan.

朱颜只是一个代名词,祸水只是一个贬义词。Beauty is just a pronoun, just as a derogatory term.

这些笑话都为他的传奇形象增光添彩,它们绝无贬损之意。The jokes all add to his legend. They're not derogatory.

“戏子”就是传统上对演员的鄙称。"Opera jokery" is a traditional derogatory term for actors.

本月,他们宣称喜剧段子必须不能带有“贬低色彩”。This month, it decreed that comedy must not be "derogatory".

任期士林,然后开始用在一个带有贬义色彩的意识。The term scholasticism then began to be used in a derogatory sense.

而警察还被起了很多侮辱性的绰号,如“猪”和“细毛”。The latter are given many derogatory nicknames such as, "pigs" and " fuzz ".

像这种贬义的评论对双性恋来说实在是听得耳朵起茧子了。Derogatory statements like the above are all too common to a bisexual’s ears.

如今,这个被认为贬义词的“抠门”却变得酷起来。Now, this is considered a derogatory term, "Kou Men" has become cool themselves.

我们并不觉得“加拿大佬”是个侮辱性的字眼,不想你们对“美国佬”那么敏感。We do not find the term "Canuck" derogatory, like Americans find "Yank" derogatory.

编辑删除了书中可能冒犯和贬损他人的内容。The editor expunged all potentially offensive and derogatory material from the book.

当今社会,“诡辩家”以及“诡辩”等词汇已染上贬义色彩。The terms “sophist” and “sophistry” have taken on derogatory connotations in modern times.

尽管有些贬义,但西方学者却把它当成一个中性甚至是褒义词。Although somewhat derogatory, Westerners tend to use it without the derogatory connotations.

洒家这么说并无贬损我们男人的意思,只是在揭示一个客观的存在。I say there is no derogatory meaning of our men, but revealed the existence of an objective.

当某人开始用侮辱性字眼大声叫骂时,你要抬头挺胸,保持坚强。When someone starts hurling derogatory comments at you, hold your head high and stay strong.

墙角也叫“旮旯”,贬义词,是狭窄、偏僻、贫穷的意思。Corner is also called the "corners", derogatory term, is narrow, remote, the meaning of poverty.

潘炎,礼部侍郎,坐刘晏婿,贬澧州司马。诗一首。Pan Yan, Libu assistant minister, sitting Liu Yan husband, derogatory Li Zhou Sima. Write a poem.