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詹姆斯·易的报告更进一步地证实了亵渎古兰的控诉。Yee's account further corroborates the charges about desecration of the Qur'an.

针威胁着石头的亵渎,威胁着核心的穿透力。The needle threatened the desecration of the stone, the penetration to the core.

亵渎了时间,负了它的债,就将受到它的严惩!Desecration of the time, the negative of its debt, it will be severely punished by it!

这些堂而皇之见诸大众传媒的言论,实在是对民意的亵渎。Imposing these remarks reflected the media, public opinion is against the desecration.

他们将事态讲成类似宗教,或半宗教性质的亵渎神圣。They are speaking the language of some kind of religious or quasi-religious desecration.

第二种手法,表现为用商业化的“戏说”方式亵读经典。The second approach, showing for the use of commercial "Joking" means the desecration of the classic.

提要在诗篇第七四篇中,我们读到耶路撒冷的毁灭,以及圣殿的被焚与被亵渎。In Psalm 74 we read of the destruction of Jerusalem, as well as the desecration and burning of the Temple.

明明知道自甘堕落是对父母养育的亵渎,是对青春的虚掷,还要寻找这样的感觉吗?Well aware that vice is the desecration of parenthood, the youthful loading, but also find such a feeling?

手中的相机不敢轻轻按下快门,怕亵渎了这种雍容沉静。In the hands gently pressed the shutter, the camera did not dare, for fear the desecration of such a quiet grace.

这些走样的复制品,会让公众觉得大师的作品不过如此,这是对艺术的亵渎。Lose shape of these replicas , let the public think that the master works varied, and this is the desecration of art.

他说吸血鬼不存在所以女皇通过了法律来禁止开掘坟墓与砍断死尸的首级等等亵渎亡灵的行为。He said vampires didn't exist and the Empress passed laws prohibiting the opening of graves and desecration of bodies.

后来,该基金会还用来保护裴乐的环境、当地的火神以及岛上的火山,同时寻找当地可以利用的地热资源。The fund seeks to prevent desecration of Pele, the native goddess of fire and volcanoes, and finds geothermal energy projects sacrilegious.

某国如果在暗杀,支持叛乱分子或者玷污圣地的时候被发现,敌国会拥有宣战理由。A country discovering a successfull assassination, supporting rebels or desecration of holy site now gets a casus belli against the offender.

在基督教领袖们反对亵渎穆斯林圣书的同时,在美国的一些穆斯林领袖也对暴力反应提出谴责。While Christian leaders condemn the desecration of Muslim scriptures, a number of Muslim leaders in America have condemned the violent reaction.

例如今日人们认为,焚烧旗帜即是亵渎神圣,如同亵渎旗帜,即是亵渎神明,是吧。When people today for example refer to flag burning as a desecration as desecrating the flag they are speaking ! the language of impiety right.

当时塔利班在阿富汗大权在握,他们认为这座大佛毫无价值,甚至认为是对自己宗教的亵渎。At the time, the Taliban were in power in Afghanistan, and they regarded these Buddhas as valueless or indeed as a desecration of their own beliefs.

随后的战斗把他们逼入了漆黑的修道院大厅中央,在这曾经神圣庄严的赫拉迪克圣地上抹下最后的亵渎。The ensuing battle carried them down into the very halls of the darkened Monastery, bringing a final desecration to the once holy sanctum of the Horadrim.

本文以焚烧美国国旗的宪法纷争为案由,讨论了美国言论自由问题中的言论与行为的两分法原则。With constitutional disputes in cases of flag desecration as the main point, this article discusses the speech-action dichotomy in the American freedom of speech.

12名士还要面对其他指控,包括亵渎尸体,非法藏有尸体照片,吸毒,人身伤害同袍.The 12 men are also facing further charges of desecration of corpses, illegal possession of photos of corpses, drug abuse and acts of bodily injury against comrades.

苗区的成员期望通过请愿书,让大会的报告人利用职权建议泰国人在将来不要挖掘苗族坟墓的这一类事情。Members of the Hmong community are expected to petition the Special Rapporteur to use his authority to make recommendations on ways to prevent grave desecration in the future.