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黄土,他绝望地想。Loess, he had thought despairingly.

他绝望地放弃了寻找。He despairingly abandoned his search.

这项调查只限于第一世界。This survey is despairingly First World.

因为你们需要绝望地相信爱情。Because you should despairingly want to believe in love.

思嘉绝望地觉得这比经受一次蝗灾还要可怕。Scarlett thought despairingly that a plague of locusts would be more welcome.

她是何等绝望的带着丈夫的骨灰回家!She is the cremated ashes which takes a husband how and despairingly to go home!

今天,面对那台该死的电脑,我很无奈地微笑。Today, in face of the damned computer, I had nothing to do but smile despairingly.

看到这个情形所有人都哭了,然而所有人都无计可施,只眼睁睁的看着废墟第二次坍塌。Everyone there cried, but they could do nothing but witness the second collapse happening despairingly.

虽然知道没用,但是她还是用力拽了拽暗褐色的棉布衣领,沮丧地看着那件又细又长的裙子。She tugged vainly at the low brown calico collar and gazed despairingly at the generous length of the narrow skirt.

成百上千的人带着大大小小的购物袋拥挤在人行道上,有的在拼命地寻找着出租车,有的在尽力地挤出莫西商场的门口。Hundreds of people laden with purchases battle along the pavements, search despairingly for scarce taxis or straggle to get through Macy's doors.

中国现代主义文学具有一种“世纪末”情结,具体表现为颓废情绪、孤独意识与绝望思想。China' s Modernist literature have a complex of end of the century. The complex exactly manifests decadent moody, lonely consciousness and despairingly thought.

在类似于进来召开的达沃斯论坛这样国际会议的间隙中,甚至连美国官员都会小声抱怨本国政治系统的“失灵”,神情很是绝望。In the margins of international conferences such as the recent Davos forum, even American officials mutter despairingly about their own "dysfunctional" political system.

关于对冲基金监管问题,在昨天公布的一次采访中,德国财政部长极其无奈地说,英国正不遗余力地保持其竞争优势。On hedge fund regulation, the German finance minister said despairingly in an interview published yesterday that London was fighting “tooth and nail” to keep its competitive advantage.

我喜欢生活,我有时虽也会颓丧、悲伤、甚至忧愁,但是经由这些折磨,我还是确信活着是一件美好的事。I like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly , acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing.