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天路,它用一块整体石头由人工雕凿而成。Deva Road, it made by artificial shape with a whole stone.

如是,世尊!如来有天眼。Yes, World Honoured One, the Tathagata possesses deva eyes.

须菩提!于意云何?如来有天眼不?Subhuti, what do you think? Does the Tathagata possess deva eye?

她和她丈夫还有个5岁的女儿Deva。She and husband Vincent also have five-year-old daughter Deva together.

哈奴曼众所周知是伐由的儿子,风神或风神的化身。Hanuman is more well-known as the son of Vayu, the deva of wind or his emanation.

一个半透明的凡天的精神走出你的身体,然后它插入你和敌人的战斗。A translucent deva spirit steps out of your body and interposes itself between you and an enemy.

这款专为威尼斯设计的腕表浪漫而美丽。The Audemars Piguet Deva watches are ladies timepieces of radiant beauty and luxurious craftsmanship.

如是温那巴婆罗门之于如来,信仰确固,如根之安住、坚固,为沙门、婆罗门、天、魔、梵天,世间之任何人不能夺。It is strong, and cannot be uprooted by any recluse or Brahman, deva or Maara, Brahmaa or anyone else in the world.

修芙俪“时光逆转瞬间除皱涂液”被特里亚那麦卡锡称为“最想得到的美容品”,她是星期日独立报专栏美容作家。Diva Deva Reverse was picked as "Triona's Most Wanted" by Triiona McCarthy, beauty columnist from the Sunday Independent Newspaper.

这里一种元素的职责有如一颗松树籽,监视提婆可以照管整个松树林。Where an elemental may have responsibility over a pine seed, the overseeing deva may have responsibility for the entire Pine forest.

桂花以“天香”著称,花内含有癸酸内酯、紫罗兰酮、芳梓醇氧化物等多种珍贵芳香物质。Osmanthus" Deva " celebrated, flower containing capric acid lactone, violet ketone, aromatic Catalpol oxides and other precious aromatic substances.

因为你曾经做的善行,你可以实现你的目的,即更好的来世,你会生为闪闪发光的天人,但你不能到达大海。You may achieve your aim of a better rebirth because of the good you have done. You will be reborn as shining one, deva but you won't be able to reach the ocean.

这大四十的开示已经在世间传播,不能被任何婆罗门、比丘、天、魔、梵或任何人所阻止。This Dhamma discourse on the Great Forty has been set rolling and cannot be stopped by any contemplative or priest or deva or Mara and Brahma or anyone at all in the world.

看沙沙和福爷他们,做做股票就起个课,发现真是蛮好玩的,虽然我并没有入市,但是对这些东西越来越感兴趣了。Shaman and Deva make augury everytime they get some feeling about stocks. Its so interesting to me. I feel more and more interested in the stocks though I havent really been in it.

迪瓦·诺斯说,“注意想到你要获得精神的性爱,集中注意感受自己的内心,确认你对上帝的信仰。‘Just make it your intention to have sex with spirituality,’ says Deva North. ‘Bring full focus and attention to the feelings inside yourself and acknowledge your belief in a higher being.