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他开始长篇大论地进行抨击。He launched into a long diatribe.

我要在我的谩骂中揭露这一点。Here I am exposing them in my diatribe.

该书对学界左派进行了抨击。The book is a diatribe against the academic left.

他对年轻一代发起了长篇抨击。He launched a diatribe against the younger generation.

在2004年的圣诞节前夜,Graham给8a.nu网站寄了一封信。On Christmas Eve, 2004, Graham posted a diatribe on the website 8a.

一个博客开始谩骂,写了一篇帖子公开攻击我。The blogger who started off the diatribe wrote a post attacking me publicly.

同样地,如果某人似乎在教训你,就去试着把训斥扭转为一场对话吧。Likewise, if someone seems to be lecturing you, try to turn the diatribe into a dialogue.

周一,当卡扎菲手握绿皮书出现在电视中时,他的咒骂是支离破碎的,但又为人所熟悉。On Monday, when the leader went on television with his Green Book in hand, his diatribe was incoherent but familiar.

所有会议,至少是有美国人参加的会议都以中方的政治批判开场。All meetings, with Americans at least, were scripted to begin with a critical political diatribe from the Chinese side.

,很显然,那些有关文学的思维方式的重点在于,这些在他们对理论的诽谤中没有出现。Well, simply, the point that those ways of thinking about literature, which they exempt from their diatribe against theory.

他最新的录像讲话是一场杂乱无章的谴责,于最近一次美国总统大选4天前发表。His most recent videotaped speech was a rambling diatribe broadcast four days before the last United States Presidential election.

她给这个谩骂关于什么,这实际上是非常重要的,但她穿过它这么快就好像她是胡说。She gave this diatribe about whatever, which was actually very relevant, but she rushed thru it so fast it was like she was babbling.

几个月前,一家乌干达报纸发表了一篇诽谤同性恋的文章,并在首版配上了卡托的照片,下面还有一行标语“绞死他们”。A few months ago, a Ugandan newspaper ran an antigay diatribe with Mr. Kato’s picture on the front page under a banner urging, “Hang Them.”

曾宣称要是伊朗从地图上消失的Ahmadinejad,他再次与西方的广泛抨击美国和法国的新总统萨尔科齐进行口头站。Mr Ahmadinejad, who has vowed to 'wipe Israel off the map', renewed his verbal warfare with the West in a wide-ranging diatribe against America and the new French president Nicolas Sarkozy.