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用E对r求导。We differentiate dE by dr.

需要再次求导,是吧I differentiate again, right?

好了我们来求导吧All right, so we differentiate.

如何鉴别野生黄鱼?How to differentiate wild fish?

我们必须分清是非。We must differentiate between right and wrong.

植物学家能区分各种不同的植物。A botanist can differentiate varieties of plants.

邦斯帮助区分上下三个女儿的年龄。Bangs help differentiate and age down the three girls.

区分可数名词与不可数名词。Differentiate between countable and uncountable nouns.

这里就需要知道如何对倒数求导。Here we need to know how to differentiate the inverse.

你应该把认识和行动区分开。You should differentiate between awareness and action.

如何区别真假皮革制品呢?。How to differentiate the natural and synthetic leather?

他从未学会分辨善恶。He never learned to differentiate between good and evil.

她能把这种玫瑰花从其他品种中区分开来。She can differentiate this kind of rose from the others.

方法的调用程序按条件对轿车和卡车区别对待。Methods are conditioned to differentiate cars and trucks.

声波测井用于区分泥岩和白云岩。The sonic log is used to differentiate shale from dolomite.

视觉上区分非模态对话框与模态对话框。Visually differentiate modeless dialogs from modal dialogs.

我是通过简单的手编程序的简单练习来区别两者的。I differentiate the two by the simple practice of hand-coding.

红木家具还可以从油漆上鉴别优劣。Annatto furniture still can differentiate actor bad from paint.

请确保将这种类型的活动与评估区分开来。Be sure to differentiate this type of activity from estimation.

我们是否能够区别相互依存和相互依赖?Can we differentiate between interdependence and co-dependence?