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她的消化力很差。She has a week digestion.

这些药丸有助消化。These tablets assist digestion.

适度锻炼有助于消化。Moderate exercise subserves digestion.

木瓜也有助于消食健胃。The papaya promotes good digestion too.

它对我们的消化力和性格都有好处。It is good for our digestion and our disposition.

南瓜子仁—促进消化,防治糖尿病。Pumpkin seeds help digestion and prevent diabetes.

这表明它们的消化受到了损害。Which indicates that their digestion was impaired.

该死的小猪猪,这东西可不好消化哟!Damn Small Pig, this thing can be bad digestion yo!

康普茶粉丝声称它能增加活力,有助消化。Kombucha fans claim it gives energy, aids digestion

红茶茶味浓郁,有助消化。The black tea tastes strong and promotes digestion.

这种高纤维食品对消化很好。This kind of high-fiber food is good for digestion.

酶会使到消化良好更带出健康…Enzymes and Co-Enzymes necessary for good digestion.

过度放纵会引起肠胃问题。Overindulgence could lead to problems with digestion.

水能促进消化并帮助我们产生抗体。It improves digestion and helps us develop antibodies.

苹果西打具有养颜、美容、助消化。Apple sidra is good for beauty care and helps digestion.

消化是在口腔唾液的作用下开始的。Digestion begins in the mouth with the action of saliva.

我找到了一种可以吃了以后不会让屎臭的食物。I find such food that it will not smell after digestion.

它还有加速消化、清楚体内垃圾的功效。It improves digestion and cleanses the body from within.

从很多方面看,一杯红酒能有助消化。In more ways than one, a glass of wine may aid digestion.

这种区别的原因是消化的低消耗。The difference was because of the lower cost of digestion.