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他的儿子们已把财产挥霍殆尽。His sons have dilapidated the estate.

儿童的研究,在破旧的校舍。Children study in dilapidated schoolhouses.

这座大楼因失修而圮毁。The building had been dilapidated by neglect.

一座向一边倾斜的危险房屋。A dilapidated building that shoulders out to one side.

圮废失修的谷仓有损景色的美。The dilapidated barn detracts charm from the landscape.

一栋破旧的房子凄凉地耸立在断垣残壁中。A dilapidated house stands disconsolately amid the rabbles.

后围攻北京,李自成变得破旧。After the besiege of Beijing, Li Zicheng became dilapidated.

他按时住进了破旧的贝阿莫旅社。He had checked into the dilapidated Bayamo Hotel on schedule.

现在校园里洋溢着吉庆,但面貌仍是极度破败。The sprawling campus is pleasant enough but badly dilapidated.

庚子之乱后,黑龙江地区更加残破不堪。After Boxer Russian chaos, Heilongjiang area was more Dilapidated.

在远处,你可以看到朝鲜的建筑,摇摇欲坠,破败不堪。In the distance you can make out dilapidated North Korean buildings.

他住在破旧不堪、快要倒塌的排屋里,墙壁和屋顶已部分倾颓。He lived in a dilapidated row house whose walls and roof had partly collapsed.

1958年1月21日,斯塔克伟泽前往卡瑞尔破旧的房子去见她。On January 21, 1958, Starkweather went to visit Caril at her dilapidated house.

举例子她弟弟简直是个阿斗,名声很坏。Her younger brother is simply a good-for-nothing, with a dilapidated reputation.

他和T-1000悄悄的躲开他们,然后走出一个残破的走廊。He and the T-1000 snuck past them and made their way down the dilapidated hallway.

扩大农村危房改造试点范围。We will expand the pilot program for renovating dilapidated houses in rural areas.

通过2007年下半年的普查鉴定,全省共有4114座为病险水库。Through the second half of 2007, the census identified 4114 dilapidated reservoirs.

亨利和汉娜算是听着关于破旧的布鲁克林公寓的故事长大的,但伴随我长大的是一个更有冲击力的故事,一个关于我祖父和他的四兄弟的故事。Henry and Hannah may have grown up hearing about the dilapidated Brooklyn apartment.

这毕竟是九月天了,你瞧,都有残败的落叶黄了。This is September it after all , look, dilapidated and ruined fallen leaf is yellow.

他们去年获得了法庭许可,把非法居住者从这栋破旧的老楼里赶出去。They obtained a court order last year to clear the dilapidated structure of squatters.