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这是因为他的作品对万物皆无所区别。This is because it has nothing for the discriminating.

你对客厅家具的选择是很有品味的。Your selection of living room furniture is quite discriminating.

在区别这两者时应该相当谨慎。Due caution should be exercised in discriminating between the two.

芳良蟹宴依据不同的口味提供私人就餐场所。Fangliang Xieyan offers only private dining rooms for discriminating palates.

能吸引最有鉴赏能力的买主。The high standard of workmanship will appeal to the most discriminating buyer.

资本市场新近所恢复的识别能力或许将推动他们走向正确的方向。The newly discriminating capital markets may nudge them in the right direction.

有许多父母在给儿女们的教育上待遇各别,这是错误的。Many parents err in discriminating between their children in the matter of education.

从市场反意的情况来看,这个款式是消费者的第一选择。Reports from different markets show that this is the choice of discriminating buyers.

宇宙并不会区分或辨别你的要求的正确或错误。The Universe is not discriminating about the rightness or the wrongness of your request.

食尚玩家由三组主持人,把美食介绍给所有挑嘴的老饕。Super Taste brings the best dishes to our viewers through our three discriminating hosts.

禁止歧视、虐待、遗弃、残害妇女。Discriminating against, maltreating, abandoning, and physically abusing women are prohibited.

利用偏移型光电二极管的特性设计了四色鉴别器。In the light of the properties of this diode, a four colour discriminating sensor is designed.

是有些人对90后有歧视,故意大做文章吧?There are some people discriminating the childern born after 1990s to make small to big purposely.

研究的目的就在于发明一个“会诊断的鼻子”,它就像香水混调师或者葡萄酒采购员的鼻子一样灵敏。The aim is to create a diagnostic nose as discriminating as those of perfume mixers or wine buyers.

给出了斯鲁茨基定理在判别参数一致估计上的应用。This paper introduced application of Slutsky theorem in discriminating consensus estimates of parameter.

然而,这不影响ARR对区分原醛和PH患者的诊断精确度。However, it does not impact on the diagnostic accuracy of the ARR for discriminating PA from PH patients.

但是在中国,奢侈品业方兴未艾,富人们比以往更有鉴别力。But in China, the luxury-goods business is booming, and the rich are becoming more discriminating than ever.

识别过程包括灰度变换、区域边缘锐化、区域分割、细化处理等步骤。The discriminating process includes gray transformation, region edge enhancement, region segmentation et al.

该研究表明,单糖和二糖聚合物固定相可成为一类新型的高效液相色谱手性固定相。There was some compensation of the chiral discriminating abilities between the two chiral stationary phases.

阐述了套管节箍自动跟踪识别技术。Detailed is collar automatic tracing and discriminating technology and characteristics of the collar signals.