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我认为这是耻辱。I think it's a disgrace.

无耻也就是可耻。Effrontery is a disgrace.

我受不了这种奇耻大辱!I cannot stand the disgrace.

这纯粹是耻辱。It was an absolute disgrace.

正正当当的贫穷并非耻辱。Honest poverty is no disgrace.

不要玷辱家庭的名声。Don't disgrace the family name.

我认为这么做并没有不光采的地方。We think it no disgrace to do so.

她令整个家族蒙羞。作动词时表示“使丢脸”。She is the disgrace of the family.

孩子做的坏事使她妈的心伤透了。Her son's disgrace broke her heart.

他决不肯玷辱家声的。He won't want to disgrace the family.

他决不会把自己的名声辱没到这般田地。He would never disgrace his name so far.

不受羞辱也经亵渎风霜。But is profaned, if not lives in disgrace.

最大的耻辱是出卖灵魂。The greatest disgrace is-selling the soul.

不名誉的事使家庭羞愧得无地自容。The disgrace bowed the family to the earth.

这在当时是耻辱与不光彩的标志。This was a mark of great shame and disgrace.

他的所作所为给他家丢人现眼。His conduct brought disgrace upon his family.

“世界乳业之耻”。A stark disgrace of the global dairy industry.

哈里因为行为失检而丢脸。Harry is in disgrace because of his behaviour.

该离婚案封皇家是件不名誉的事。The divorce was a disgrace to the royal family.

他宁为光荣而死不愿忍辱而生。He'd rather die in honour than live in disgrace.