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下水道堵了,有股恶心的臭鱼味。The drain's blocked and smells disgustingly of rotten fish.

他从巴哈马群岛回来时看上去健康得令人眼红。He looked disgustingly healthy when he got back from the Bahamas.

二十岁的时候,觉得一身脏兮兮的牛仔服就帅呆了。Feel whole body a disgustingly dirty cowboy handsome and foolish at the age of 20.

义人恨恶谎言.恶人有臭名、且致惭愧。A righteous man hates falsehood, But a wicked man acts disgustingly and shamefully.

并且他的攻击速度,躲避能力,暴击频率都是相当高的。Three, his attack speed, dodge ability and critical strike ratio is disgustingly godly.

镜头一转,一个浑身脏兮兮的妖怪出现在山路上。Once the lens turn and a devil with disgustingly dirty whole body appear on the hill path.

用了一段时间,但我们终于找到它,它完全不亚于性感得让人讨厌的一点是我们所预料的。It took awhile, but we finally got it, and it was every bit as disgustingly sexy as we expected.

他祝我一切顺利,并说他估计我会成为一名过分热忱的、爱炫耀的老校友。He wished me well and said he expected me to become a disgustingly enthusiastic, pompous old alumnus.

岁马克·椎文尼钱多得可恶,是魔鬼兄弟会能服众的头子。Mark Draveni, 19, disgustingly wealthy, is the charismatic leader of a teenager brotherhood, the Demons.

作为反驳,玛莎总是说她死也不喜欢为了钱而嫁给某人的想法。To which Martha always retorted that she would end up disgustingly rich without having to marry anybody.

酒店的房间太热了,所以我没有做梦。好像有90度一样-空调坏了。I didn't have any dreams because the hotel room was disgustingly hot. It was like 90 degrees — the AC was broken.

上校埃莉诺·格兰特再次听到他的消息是在一段恶心的被俘广播中。Nuo Gelante hears captain dust Li again his message is to be in a paragraph to be captured disgustingly in broadcast.

在家安胎的刘某感到自己被熏得头晕、恶心,可她并没过多在意此事。The Liu Mou that installs an embryo in the home feels he is fumed dizziness, disgustingly , but she did not care about this matter too much.

魔御邪依依不舍的放开了那大口喘气的小狐狸,开始为小狐狸清洗身体,以及那脏兮兮的小花脸。Is evil to withstand evil disinclined to partial loosened the small fox of that huge pant, the beginning washed body because small fox, and that disgustingly dirty clown.

在上面的照片中可以看到,由于舒马赫丑陋的驾驶,蒙托亚实质上是在割草。Juan Pablo Montoya has to cut the grass after Schumacher's ugly drive. More disgustingly , in the media conference after the race, Schumacher said he did not see Montoya.