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这就像洗碟水一样,一点味道也没有。No taste at all, it is just like dishwater.

全国上下盼了一整年,你难道就给他们喝洗碗水。Those people wait all year and you want to give them this dishwater.

他找不到伙伴这没有什么可大惊小怪的,他这人如潲水一样乏味。I'm not surprised that he can't find a partner. He's as dull as dishwater.

洗好水晶制品时可以在水中添加2汤匙醋。Add 2 tablespoons vinegar to your dishwater when cleaning your good crystal glasses.

在清洗用水中加入醋,然后倒回玻璃制品中。Put the sparkle back in your glassware by adding vinegar to your rinse water or dishwater.

您可以喜欢考虑的其他事是合并洗碗的水和洗衣机。Other things that you may like to consider is to incorporate a dishwater and a washing machine.

我们把它们放在热气腾腾的洗碗水中,同时又冰冻在冬天的气候下,并且用各种各样的化学品,但很多情况下都不会戴手套的。We put them in steaming hot dishwater and freezing winter weather and use chemicals galore, many times without gloves.

她的咖啡杯好几天才洗一次,洗过盘子的被她用来浇灌,洗澡水则被用来冲厕所。She reuses her drinking cup for days without washing it, and she saves her dishwater for plants and unheated shower water to flush the toilet.

盥洗或洗碗时,提水到距河或湖两百尺出,少量使用可自然分解的洗洁剂。洗碗水滤渣后分散洒掉。To wash yourself or your dishes, carry water200 feet away from streams or lakes and use small amounts of biodegradable soap. Scatter strained dishwater.

你一到达,就会有卡瓦酒来招待你,卡瓦酒似斐济传统的饮品,依我看这个饮品就像消毒剂的味道和放了一个月之久的洗碗水差不多,有一点温和的麻木感觉,有止痛效果。When visiting a village, you are expected to arrive bearing a large, grubby kava root. Kava is Fiji's traditional drink, which, in my neophyte opinion, tastes of disinfectant and month-old dishwater.

而作者本人则是第一个为它绘制地图并为每一个自然事物,命名的人,这种讲过是可以吃的,那只身上带斑点,从我身边窜过,的动物也许能被驯服,树木之间的那个湖泊,可以叫“蛋白石湖“,或者,更艺术的,“洗盘水湖“The writer is the first man to map it and to name the natural objects it contains. Those berries are edible. That speckled creature that bolted across my path might be tamed. That lake between those trees will be called Lake Opal or, more artistically, Dishwater Lake.