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在个人或社会行为上的约束。Personal disorganization resulting in unsocial behavior.

怜悯并不代表充动或混乱。Compassion does not mean Impulsiveness or disorganization.

无组织、低效率已经浸入社会之中。Society is saturated with disorganization and a lack of efficiency.

在日常生活中,我被混乱和无序包围着。In my personal life, I am surrounded by clutter and disorganization.

换句话说,你的危机是由你自己的行动和错乱造成的。In other words, you create your own crises by your own actions and disorganization.

换句话说,由于你自己的行为和组织混乱,造成了自身的时间管理危机。In other words, you create your own crises by your own actions and disorganization.

宗教在东欧剧变和苏联解体的过程中起到了一定的作用。Religion had an effect on the Soviet Union's disorganization and eastern revulsion.

对大部分人来说,问题在于没有足够的空间,没有时间,没有条理以及优柔寡断。For most people, the problem is limited space, lack of time, disorganization or indecision.

区域货币合作是布雷顿森林体系解体后出现的新事物。Regional monetary cooperation is a new thing emerged after disorganization of Bretton Wodds System.

一切从人民的无知和规划不善,造成混乱的人能在一个压力。Everything from ignorant people to poor planning and disorganization can inflict stress on a person.

这一切都是活着的,以某种杂乱而有秩序的事物的那种奇丑的生命力活动着。All this is alive with the hideous vitality of things which have been organized out of disorganization.

在封建自然经济解体之前,商法只能以习惯法、商人自治法的形式存在。Commercial law existed in the form of rule of custom or autonomy before disorganization of feudal natural economy.

做事没有条理,最后会让你付账迟了、丢了折扣券、缴费晚了、忘记支票了,诸如此类。Disorganization can cause you to end up with late payments, lost coupons, late fees, forgotten checks, and so forth.

目的探讨应力松驰接骨板对局部皮质骨结构紊乱和修复的影响。Objective To study the influence of stress-relaxation plate on disorganization and repair of the cortex under the plate.

图5凋亡淋巴细胞内结构异常的线粒体,主要表现为肿胀,嵴紊乱,嵴减少,消失。Fig. 5 The mitochondria with the abnormal appearance such as swell, disorganization and reduction or vanish of the crista.

它为制定理性的计划提供基础,消除因组织错乱而引起的压力。It provides the foundation needed to build intelligent plans and it eliminates the toxic stress generated by disorganization.

太小的空间肯定不适合,因为太拥挤的话会不容易保持整洁有序。混乱不堪是你工作时最应该避免的事情。You do not want to select a space that is too small because that will lead to overcrowding which would lead to disorganization.

民族主义对帝国霸权的瓦解则极大地改变了国际力量对比态势,进而重构了国际格局。The disorganization greatly changed the balance of the international powers, and in consequence reconstructed international pattern.

混乱的分配意味着你将永远扮演追赶日程表的角色,仓促地撞上最后期限,艰难地工作。Disorganization means that you will be forever playing catch-up with your work, rushing to meet deadlines and producing work below par.

苏东社会主义国家的解体和演变,使社会主义遇到了前所未有的挫折。With the disorganization and evolvement of socialism in Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, socialism has encountered unprecedented frustration.