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迷惑效果只有这个法术造成了伤害后才会发动。The disorient effect will only occur if damage is dealt.

我担心一连串令人吃惊的倒闭是否将误导你。I worried whether the barrage of shattering surprises would disorient you.

德拉诺黑血怪物有时而并不总是受到迷惑效果的作用。Disorient effects are being inconsistently applied to Black Blood of Draenor mobs.

摩根仍然是个好医师,整个章节似乎只是为了迷惑玩家。Morgan is still the good doctor , and the chapter seems to be used mostly to disorient you.

鲍尔向我解释他那极其复杂的商业计划的时候,我觉得很茫然。I felt like I was on the Disorient Express when Paul explained his really complicated business plan.

一个复杂的界面会让用户不知如何操作。A complex interface can disorient the user in a mild case and completely alienate them in an extreme case.

这些方法都会使头脑失去方向感,诱使潜意识调谐至星体层的另一部分。These methods all disorient the mind and trick the subconscious into tuning into another part of the astral.

你的敏捷机智允许你建立冰冻陷阱,造成额外的伤害,并迷惑敌人。Your roguish ingenuity allows you to build Frost Traps that deal additional damage and disorient your enemies.

这将不知所措你,但同时,它会教你搁置的形式集中于内容。It will disorient you but at the same time, it will teach you to put aside the form to concentrate on the content.

在战斗中,艾瑞娜提供远程协助,并经常使用法杖或其他魔法武器引导法术来迷惑敌人及保护伙伴。In battle, Eirena offers ranged support, largely spells channeled through staves and other magic implements to disorient her enemies and protect her allies.

美国军方还被指责使用嘈杂的Rap乐和电视主题曲来折磨伊拉克和关达那摩弯的囚犯。America's armed forces are also accused of using loud rap music and television theme tunes to disorient and disturb prisoners both in Iraq and Gunatanamo Bay.

这有着各种技巧,但它们都某种程度地涉及潜意识的迷失方向感,诱使它将你移至一个不同的星体现实。There are various techniques for this but they all involve some way to disorient the subconscious mind, tricking it into moving you into a differentAstral reality.

除了这个技能,侦查还有烟雾弹技能,这将减缓并迷惑怪物,并造成攻击丢失。In addition to this ability, the recon will also have a smoke grenade ability, which will slow and disorient enemies caught in it, as well as making them miss their attacks.

起初,此书的非传统思路也许会使那些为寻找一本以一种条理清晰的叙述方式撰写的传统历史书籍而阅读该书的读者感到迷失,但这就是它的与众不同之处。At first, this unconventional format may disorient those readers looking for a more traditional historical volume with a coherent narrative thread, but that's just the point.

参观者在一个时空隧道中开始他们的八十年代之旅,隧道壁上涌现大量的图片,灯光,场景以及音效给参观者以身临其境的感觉。Visitors begin their journey into the 80's through a kitsch 'time-warp' tunnel flooded with projections, lighting, sights and sounds to stimulate their senses and disorient them.

在阿富汗的大部分直升机坠毁是由于维修不善的问题,或者可能是因为灰尘或沙子等因素引发的低能见度迷惑了飞行员,造成操作上的意外。Most helicopter crashes in the country have been accidents caused by maintenance problems or factors such as reduced visibility because of dust or sand, which can disorient pilots.