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关于这种论题的正式辩论。Formal disputation of such an issue.

经过大量法庭辩论后,我们辞职的权利得到了认可。After much legal disputation our right to resign was established.

在1528年,他的陪同下,后者的宗教争议在伯尔尼。In 1528 he accompanied the latter to the religious disputation at Berne.

他挑出其中九张在平遥展出,登时引起关注和争议。Of them have been selected to exhibit at Pingyao with lots of attention and disputation.

有效市场理论及其争论是一切投资策略理论的基石。The EMH and the disputation about it form the foundation of all kinds of investment strategy.

中共开始与苏共进行关于国际共运总路线的大论战。CCP commenced the disputation with CPSU on the general route of international communist movement.

前四史论赞文体演变与时代论议风潮密切相关。Lunzan style evolvement in pre-four history works is closely contacted with the era disputation vogue.

本文就旅游合同纠纷的法律适用与旅游合同责任做一探讨。The paper discusses on the legal applicability and responsibility about disputation on tourist contracts.

这样的事,超过人的智力,人的明悟万万不能查究天主的判断。Such things are beyond all human understanding and no reason or disputation can fathom the judgments of God.

泸州遗赠纠纷案本来只是一起事实十分简单,适用法律也十分明确的遗产继承纠纷案件。Luzhou bequests disputation was only with the very simple fact, and the legal application was also very clear too.

在我们的方法中,需要一个可信赖的第三方去帮忙初始我们的付费协定且可以排解交易中产生的争议。In our scheme, a trusted third party is needed to initialize the payment protocol, and resolve disputation automatically.

离线第三方不必完全可信,因其在解决纠纷的同时并不能获得交换双方的签名。The off-line TTP need not be completely trusted, since it can get neither signature exchanged when disputation is solved.

荀子以“名”为核心,构建了一个比较完整的名、辞、辩说的正名逻辑思想体系。XUN Zi, with "Name"as the core, establishes a logical thought system of rectifying name with name, phraseology and disputation.

论文对三峡工程争论的由来,争论的几种不同观点作了详细的分析。In this paper, the origin of disputation on the Yangtze Gorge project and several different Points of view have been analysed in detail.

视网膜静脉阻塞是一种受多种因素影响的疾病,其诊断治疗上存在大量的争议和误区。Retinal vein occlusion is affected by multiple factors, and there are lots of misunderstanding and disputation on the diagnosis and treatment.

文章探讨了通识教育与专业教育的历史渊源及其在中外高教史上的纷争和现状。This thesis has discussed the history and disputation and actuality of general education and professional education in China and foreign countries.

自从2002年日本财政大臣盐川对人民币汇率问题发难以来,关于人民币汇率升值的争论此起彼伏,高潮迭起。Since 2002 Japanese Chancellor started revolt about RMB rate of exchange problem, the disputation concerning revalue of RMB rate of exchange is increasing.

同时,把分类有争议的种类作了羽毛角蛋白聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳,并把结果与表型性状聚类结果进行对比分析。At the same time, SDS-PAGE of feather keratins of disputation birds of Muscicapinae is done, and the results are compared to the results of clustering analysis.

三峡如何贯通并实现东流的问题历来是学术界关注和争议的问题。How to transfix and realize orient run-through on Three Gorges Reservoir sector, Yangtze has been being a focus and disputation problem of academic circle historically.

众所周知,直译或意译和异化或归化一直是翻译研究与翻译实践中学者们争论的焦点之一。As we know, Literal translation or liberal translation and alienation or domestication has long been the focus of disputation in both translation theory and translation practice.