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风将在海岸上辐散。Winds will diverge at the coast.

我们的政见不一致。Our opinions diverge on politics.

从大路岔口处分成两条路。Two paths diverge at the fork in the road.

对不起,史考特老师曾经转调到分公司。Inom sorry. Mr. Scott was transferred to our diverge office.

公路和铁路线在山脚下岔开了。The road and railway line diverge at the bottom of the hill.

对不起,史考特师长教师仍旧转调到分公司。Iwoulm sorry. Mr. Scott was transferred to our diverge office.

如果宇宙呈马鞍形反向弯曲,平行光线就会分道扬镳。In a negatively curved, saddle-shaped universe, parallel beams would diverge.

但有时DHL他们会岔开包裹检查,然后自己包装。But sometimes DHL they will diverge parcel inspection, then their own packaging.

黄树林里有两岔的小路,比较清晰的那一边就给你提供了信息。When two trails diverge in a yellow wood, the one more worn tells you something.

黄树林里有两开岔的小路,比较清晰的那一边就给你提供了信息。When two trails diverge in a yellow wood , the one more worn tells you something.

当磁场线位处天顶,令极光幻化成冕形,光芒扩散至四面八方。Magnetic field lines at zenith shape the corona and diverge rays in all directions.

众所周知,一个次波长光斑将向各个方向发散。It is well known that a light spot of sub-wavelength will diverge in all directions.

它们偏离于我们的关键业务,所以你抛弃他们。They diverge from the narrow focus that we have for the business so we discard them.

但甚至是世界上集体美德的典范国家里,言行也有所不一。But even among the world's paragons of corporate virtue, reality and rhetoric diverge.

从这里开始,白顶鹦鹉接下来的行为就和咱们人类不同了。It is here that the mating habits of the white-fronted parrot and Homo sapiens diverge.

可是我们对未来的愿景不同,最后只好分道扬镳。But then our visions of the future began to diverge and eventually we had a falling-out.

仅仅因为你怀孕并不意味着你要与素餐背道而驰。Just because you are pregnant doesn't mean you have to diverge from your vegetarian diet.

穿着雪鞋走路留下的足迹,位于美国明尼苏达州中心的寒冷的原野上。Snowshoe tracks and footprints diverge in the middle of a wintry central Minnesota field.

除非我们与客户接触,否则我们的世界模型可能会偏离现实。Unless we're in touch with our customers, our model of the world can diverge from reality.

改革的动力和主导权均来自于都察院内部。Both impetus and dominance are from " Duchayuan " inside which diverge in many items of reform.