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生活没有教她顾盼自得。Life had not taught her domination.

受术者遵从你的意志。Domination. Subject obeys your will.

权力与支配欲是我们唯一真正关心的事。Power and domination are all we care about.

权力与支配欲是我们唯一真正关心的事。Power and domination are all we truly care about.

卢森堡是一个令人震憾的游戏策略和统治。Lux is an awesome game of strategy and domination.

她渴望摆脱她母亲的操纵。She longed to escape from her mother’s domination.

相反,微软的雄厚资金阻止了AOL独霸拨号上网业务。Microsoft's deep pockets keep AOL from dial-up domination.

我怎么觉得你要密谋称霸世界呢?。Why do I have the feeling you're plotting world domination?

举手投足间展示着天生王者的绝对影响力!Its mannerism shows absolute domination power of inborn crown!

实际上,欧洲能做的就是为其未来的命运付钱。In effect, Europe could be paying for its own future domination.

事实很简单,中国对于控制世界梦寐以求。The simple truth is that China is hell-bent on world domination.

当然,这也是耶鲁建立,"世界学术霸权"的大计and of course, this is a part of Yale's plan for world domination.

这使我想起了短暂的搜索引擎史。That brought to mind the brief history of search-engine domination.

但是,中国人既不模仿日本,也不愿驯服地屈从外国势力的控制。Yet they neither copy Japan nor submit tamely to foreign domination.

与历代强国不同,我们没有追求世界霸权。For unlike the great powers of old, we have not sought world domination.

本文确定了所有的轮图和完全二部图的符号星控制数。In this paper we give the signed edge domination numbers for all wheels.

你可以迅速成为巨头,这可以满足那些强人们的控制欲。You can become big fast, and that favors the domination of strong people.

继俄、德两国之后,法国夺取了滇越铁路的控制权。After Russia, Germany, France has captured dian-yue railroad's domination.

中国历史上曾是一个被宗法式教权统治的国家。China is a country under the domination of the patriarchal religion power.

该软件巨头得以削弱谷歌在移动应用领域的统治地位。The software giant dents what could have been mobile domination by Google.