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门卫把那个孩子轰出去了。The doorman booted the kid out.

在每家俱乐部的门口都有一名迎宾员。At every club one of the servants was a doorman . Mr.

该门卫说,他看到在俱乐部蓝礁湖你。The doorman said he seen you at the Club Blue Lagoon.

门卫把她提着的小衣箱接过来。The doorman relieved her of the suitcase she had been carrying.

为什么门童和行李员都有必要准备迎接客人?Why is it necessary to have both a Doorman and Bellboy on stand by?

看门人招呼她们进入商店,她们冷冰冰地道了声谢。They tendered thanks, icily, to the doorman for ushering them into the shop.

说着她从门卫建筑前消失,他们离开去进餐比萨。Then she disappeared into the doorman building before they left to have pizza.

若是我垮了,送我上出租车的门童就再也得不到我的小费了。If I go belly-up, I will no longer be able to tip my doorman when he gets me a taxi.

现在,像前些天一样,每天卡西诺戏院的门房都要把一些信件交给她。Now, as on each preceding day, letters were handed her by the doorman at the Casino.

一位门童帮我们下车,我觉得自己仿佛踏入了19世纪。A doorman helps us from the coach, and I feel like I’ve stepped into the 19th century.

你以为一个穿红制服的仆役长和司阍人也属一种必要吗?Do you call a butler and doorman in red velvet a part of the necessity of the occasion?

“居住在那样的高层公寓里,她可以雇一个门童,同时也会安全的多。”消息来源人士说道。"That way, in a building, she can have a doorman and be a lot safer, " the source said.

每个人都很友好。外面的看门人和所有人都非常友好。you know, everyone's nice. The doorman outside are very nice, and the people are very nice.

高维岳在门卫的阻拦下闯进大楼,高声喊着要总裁出来相见。The doorman blocked high dimensional yue reached building, crying out to meet President out.

“请问哪里能找到格雷先生?”她在卡西诺戏院的后台入口处,问一个阴沉着脸的看门人。"Where shall I find Mr. Gray?" she asked of a sulky doorman at the stage entrance of the Casino.

因此车子一停,他就大步跨出来,经过门卫拾级而上。As soon as they'd pulled up, he'd leaped out of the taxi and ascended the steps past the doorman.

你们两个坐上出租车后座,这位女士给了门卫一张20美元的钞票。The two of you get into the back of the cab, and the woman hands the doorman a twenty-dollar bill.

你拥有又大又豪华的、带着看门人等,那种很高很高的建筑,I mean, you have large luxury buildings with doorman and all of that, you know, really, really high,

一名夜总会的看门人看到他拿着刀后报警,当晚Ramsden就被逮捕了。He was arrested that evening when a nightclub doorman found him carrying a knife sheath and alerted the police.

但是假如你希望住在一个受保护的世界,那里有个看门人没有任何无赖因素,那样你不能住酒店。But if you want to live in a sheltered world, where there's a doorman and no rogue element, you don't check into a hotel.