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这位信差疑惑地摇摇头。The courier shook his head dubiously.

魔主拿住了礼物,又半信半疑地看了看它。The demon master caught the gift and studied it dubiously.

文祥怀疑地问道。"You think we're being followed?" Wen Xiang asked dubiously.

她半信半疑地对自己说,声音低得差不多只有他自己才听得见。She said dubiously to herself, her voice too low for anyone else to hear.

其余的人怀疑地看着他,不知道他的话有几分是可以相信的。The others looked at him dubiously , not quite knowing how much to believe.

如果你仔细思考下,笛卡尔的理论还是值得怀疑的。I mean Descartes theory is actually rather dubiously coherent, if you think about it.

他很快地走出去,撇下侍者头儿半信半疑地瞪着这张薄薄的蓝纸。He walked out fast, leaving the head waiter staring dubiously at the flimsy blue paper.

“啊天呐!”罗瑞先生叫了出来,怀疑地擦着下巴,望着客人。"Oh dear me! " cried Mr. Lorry, rubbing his chin, and looking at his visitor dubiously.

罗瑞先生开始注意到了德伐日的生硬态度,便怀疑地望了他一下,然后带路前进。Beginning to be struck by Defarge's manner, Mr. Lorry looked dubiously at him, and led the way.

然后便是用熨斗烫内衣内裤,直干到六点。这时乔仍然然摇头。没把握能够干完。Then it was hot irons and underclothes till six o'clock, at which time Joe shook his head dubiously.

“我觉得我不应该独自照顾两个小孩,”当他们的母亲第一次跟我讨论这个想法时,我向她提出了我的质疑。"I don't think I'm allowed to have sole charge of two small children, " I said dubiously when their mother first mooted the idea.

专家表示,在这部关于世界末日的电影里,情节都来自于那些值得怀疑的关于古玛雅的预言。The movie's end-of-the-world plot is based on largely discredited prophecies dubiously attributed to the ancient Maya, experts say.

尽管她心有不甘地盯着房子的前面,仿佛要回去似的,但还是把栅栏门关上了,这时才松了一口气。And though she looked dubiously at the house-front as if inclined to return, it was with a breath of relief that she closed the gate.

兰州牛肉拉面在国内享有盛誉,因此各地打着“正宗兰州拉面”招牌的店不计其数。Innumerable restaurants across the country dubiously claim they sell "genuine" Lanzhou-made beef noodles which enjoy a high reputation.

在高速公路,甚至乡间小路,每隔几公里就有英语教学的广告,有些看起来颇令人狐疑。Every few kilometers on the highways and even country roads are signs for English-language classes — some teaching more dubiously than others.

毫不夸张地说,梅尔点燃了整个“暮光之城”产业,更不用说所谓的“尖牙帮小说”的文学类型。It is no exaggeration to say that Meyer has sparked an entire Twilight industry, not to mention a dubiously titled literary genre called Fang Bang fiction.

我一口气安装了好几个插件,其中包括AdBlock这个尽管似乎不太道德但很管用的办法,用来保持同时开很多窗口而不使电脑速度变慢。I installed several of them in one gulp, including AdBlock—a great though dubiously ethical way to keep lots of tabs open without slowing down your computer.

我们唱了校园歌曲,请他们吃糖。他们礼貌地接受了,但好像又带点犹豫。我们离开了休息室,留他们在那�埵w静地吮吸著那粘答答的糖蜜。We serenaded them with college songs and offered refreshments. They accepted politely but dubiously . We left them sucking chunks of molasses candy, sticky and speechless.

杜宾预测道,那些未必合格的社交媒体专家们,不论年轻或年长,恐怕最终都难逃被企业抛弃的命运,尤其是那些经验极少或压根没有经验的人,这只是个时间问题。Durbin foresees that it's just a matter of time until dubiously qualified social media experts, both young and old, but especially those with little to no experience, are exposed.