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该地区在1806年成为领地并于1866年被普鲁士接收。The region became a duchy in 1806 and was absorbed by Prussia in 1866.

精铁之羽就是狮鹫公国二元性的最佳代表。The Iron Feather is the very symbol of the duality of the Griffin Duchy.

取而代之,他命其领内最优秀的铁匠铸造一把新剑。Instead, he asked the best blacksmiths of the Duchy to fashion him a new sword.

属于或关于卢森堡大公国、或其人民的,或有其特点的。Of or relating to or characteristic of the grand duchy of luxemburg or its people.

她是欧洲几个蕞薾小国之一,如今是世界上唯一的公国。One of the smallest countries in Europe, today it is the world's only Grand Duchy.

查尔斯王子仔细检查他的有机食品品牌“公爵原创”的坎特伯兰香肠。The Prince checks out how well his Duchy Original Cumberland sausages are displayed.

查尔斯王子过着一种奢侈的生活,这些都由康沃尔公国进行资助。Prince Charles leads an expensive life and the Duchy of Cornwall is there to fund it.

大公国出现于欧洲中世纪封建割据时期。The Grand Duchy appeared in the feudal separation period during middle ages in Europe.

伯爵领地,公爵领地以及王国都会发生事变,导致贵族失去或者获得声望值。Events can occur in a county, a duchy or a kingdom, and make nobles lose or gain points.

在这关键时刻,立陶宛大公国的骑兵似乎动摇了然后准备退却。At the crucial moment the horse of the grand duchy seemed to waver then went into retreat.

讽刺的是,伊琳娜本人被派来帮助防守那个她曾经逃出的公国。As irony would have it, Irina has been called upon to defend the Duchy of the husband she fled.

莫斯科军队被立陶宛大公国的军队追击了五公里。The muscovite forces were pursued by the army of the grand duchy of lithuania for five kilometers.

1358年,什未林成为梅克伦堡公国的一部分,并从那时起就成为该公国的都城。In 1358 Schwerin became a part of the Duchy of Mecklenburg, making it the seat of the dukedom from then on.

中欧一地区和旧时的公国,在奥地利南部。335年后该地区是哈布斯堡王朝的统辖区。A region and former duchy of central Europe in southern Austria. It was part of the Hapsburg domains after 335.

最后,卡米拉在维特罗斯超市查尔斯王子的有机食品品牌“公爵原作”区买了满满一篮子的食品杂货,消费28.49英镑。Finally, Camilla shelled out 28.49 pounds for a basketful of groceries from her husband's Duchy Originals brand.

第三天和最后一天的辩论,均由兰开斯特公爵郡大臣哈罗德、利弗先生挑起。On the third and final day the debate was led off by the chancellor of the duchy of lancaster, mr. harold lever.

现在,英王室的追星族们还可以参与为网站更新有关威廉和哈里王子等王室成员的所有新闻。Royal fans can now sign up for free email updates on everything from Princes William and Harry to Duchy Originals.

直到1809年芬兰还是从属于瑞典的,而之后一直到1917年芬兰则是沙俄的大公国。Finland until 1809 or subordinate to Sweden, and after 1917 have been to Finland is the Grand Duchy of tsarist Russia.

住户的地位不会受到其个人立场的影响,来自公国的一位女发言人表示。"The position of tenants is unaffected by the stance they may take as individuals, " said a spokeswoman for the duchy.

甜点是热的杏味果酱馅饼,其中的鸡蛋来自查尔斯王子的农场。Dessert will be hot Bakewell Tart with custard made with free-range eggs from Prince Charles's Duchy of Cornwall farms.