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我迫切希望他们能够这样做。I am eager for them to do so.

我不想看起来太猴急了。I don't wanna seem too eager.

他渴望试开那辆新车。He is eager to try the new car.

目前能默背过吗?Can eager recite trapm practical?

他热切的要开始从事一些工作。He was eager to take up some job.

八只渴望的鹰贪婪地看着老爱德加。Eigjt eager eagles ogled old Edgar.

他脸上现出热切的神色。There is an eager look on his face.

我很想加入共青团。I am eager to join the Youth League.

我满怀着学习的愿望离开了井台。I left the wellhouse eager to learn.

我们渴望说一口流利的英语。We are eager to speake English well.

1994年,研究小组迫不及待的又返回了阿莱米斯地区。In 1994 the team was eager to return.

又何必追求那些急功近利的评价?Why to pursue those eager evaluation?

青年人最肯学习。Young people are most eager to learn.

她渴望成为一名歌星。She is eager to become a singing star.

好莱坞似乎也正有此意。Hollywood seems equally eager to do so.

他热衷于阅读推理小说。He is an eager reader of mystery novels.

他热切希望你见见他的朋友。He is eager for you to meet his friends.

州司临门,急于星火。State department rimmon, eager to spark.

我倒越加急于想进去看看这个房间。I was all the more eager to see the room.

如果他能和父亲呆在一起那该是多快乐的事啊!How eager Mike is to stay with his father!