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她停下她正在做的事情去偷听她丈夫的电话。She stopped to eavesdrop her husband´s phone talk.

她藏身于壁橱里,以便偷听。She ensconced herself in the closet in order to eavesdrop.

我们静静地坐着,抬起头斜身靠近以便能更好的窃听。We hushed, raised our eyebrows and leaned closer to eavesdrop better.

窃听与夫人和她的刽子手格林里夫交谈。Eavesdrop on the conversation between Mrs. Greenleaf and her henchman.

去一个有很多人的地方,偷听一段谈话。Go to a place where there are a lot of people and eavesdrop on a conversation.

这个侦察站能截取全世界所有的传真、电子邮件等信息。This station can eavesdrop the whole world -- every fax, every e-mailed letter.

现在你可以用这个电子监听装置在一个安全的距离监听。Now you can eavesdrop from a safe distance with the Orbitor Electronic Listening Device.

周伯没参与,但不放心的让小川偷听他们的谈话内容。Tom didnt participate in, but I cont trust of let ogawa eavesdrop on their conversation.

窃听很酷的事情之一,可能是一个海底火山所谓的轴向海山。One of the cool things to eavesdrop on might be an undersea volcano called the Axial Seamount.

放下礼节去偷听他人谈话,却温暖了你的心房,是很滑稽可笑的。Funny, the things that will warm your heart when you tuck your manners away long enough to eavesdrop.

附加的功能则让人感觉更爽,我发现我还可以在对方打电话给我留语音邮件时监听全程。The add-ons get even better when I discover I can eavesdrop on my callers as they leave me voicemails.

微耳可以很快的帮助科学家窃听微小的事情就像显微镜可以使他们可视一样。A micro-ear could soon help scientists eavesdrop on tiny events just like microscopes make them visible.

她同时也让我们窃听到了印度人对中国的评价以及中国人对印度的言论。She also lets us eavesdrop on other Indians commenting on China and on Chinese airing their views on India.

我还喜欢在公共场所偷听那些大声说话的人们在谈论什么。Those guys can talk! I also like to eavesdrop on conversations held by loud people when I’m in public places.

所以,他说,有可能我们能利用ECoG来窃听这个声音并破译出我们在想什么。So, he says, it should be possible to use ECoG to eavesdrop on that inner voice and decode what we're thinking.

项峰翻院墙过来偷听音乐的事最终被兰兰爸发现。Xiang Feng turns over courtyard wall to come over the thing of eavesdrop music is discovered finally by Lan Lan pa.

乔治布什签署一项法案,批准并扩大美国政府对公民的窃听权。George Bush signed a bill that authorises and expands the American government's ability to eavesdrop on its citizens.

这使他们窃听谈话,搜集资料,并出售给其他无原则刑事实体。This enables them to eavesdrop on conversations, gather information, and sell it to other unprincipled criminal entities.

11之后,美国国家安全局建立了一个监视设施来窃听和窃取境内的电话和电子邮件。After September 11, the NSA built a surveillance infrastructure to eavesdrop on telephone calls and e-mails within the U. S.

找个咖啡店坐下,礼貌的偷听旁边的对话.把两个人的交流的过程做笔记.记录下一个人在点咖啡以及和她的同伴说话时所用的不同语气.Sit in the local coffee shop and politely eavesdrop on nearby conversations. Make notes of the exchanges between two people.