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一个公关人员给我展示了这篇社论。I was shown this editorial by a PR.

这篇社论需要重写。The editorial needs to be rewritten.

他改写社论直到天亮。He recomposed the editorial till dawn.

编辑部信息组。Information Group of Editorial Office.

我在肘家报纸的贬辑部工伧。I am on the editorial of the newspaper.

老吴继续阅读社论。The editorial reads in full as follows.

半岛电视台的一处编辑室。Al-Jazeera's one of the editorial rooms.

社论是相对较小的问题。The editorial one is a relatively minor.

她把社论已经校对了两遍了。She has read the editorial through twice.

编辑制好了社论版样张。The editor dummied up the editorial page.

完整版的维基百科文章内容Full editorial content of Wikipedia articles

这是引自社论的一篇文章。Here is a passage quoted from the editorial.

也扩充了编辑部的人员。Also augment the personnel of editorial office.

来信雪片般地飞到了编辑部。The letters snowed to the editorial department.

该报社论诬蔑这名政治家。The newspaper editorial defamed the politician.

你的社论全然无视铁一般的事实。Your editorial blithely ignores the hard facts.

2006年,OHSAS编委会开始了修订工作。In 2006, OHSAS editorial board began a revision.

刘是编辑部的一个负责人。Mr. Liu is a superintend in the editorial office.

一种是社论,另一种是广告。There was editorial and the other was advertising.

广播与电视技术编辑部。Editorial Department of Radio & TV Broadcast Engin.