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坏事情也有好的一面。Eery bad has some good.

我每周绝食一天。I fast a day eery week.

上帝给每只小鸟喂她的食物。God gies eery bird its food.

每个孩子都在课桌底下。Eery child was under their desk.

人人都有得意的日子。Eery dog has his day, and eery man his hour.

意志的每个行动都是自我限制的表现。Eery act of will is an act of self-limitation.

你要每天要求老板给你一张新桌子?Do you need to ask the boss for a new desk eery day?

在这种意义上,每个行动都是自我牺牲的表现。In that sense, eery act is an act of self-sacrifice.

第一次看的时候,可能会对这个独一无二的外表感到怪异。The unique appearance may be eery when we first see it.

这就是为什么每年仍有妇女死于这种恶性疾病的原因。That's why they're still dying eery year from this malignancy.

每14秒钟在这10到24岁的人群中,每14秒钟就有一人感染艾滋病。Eery 14 seconds a person in the 10-24 age group became infected.

在身体每个细胞中线粒体是很小的能量单位。Mitochondria are tiny energy units within eery cell of the body.

以德报怨只有高尚的人才能办到。Good for good eery man can do, good for bad only a noble man can do.

因为不同的人可以给予不同的定义,所以在不同的项目中,空白以不同的形式呈现。You can use it whereer you want, so it exit in eery project in a different way.

这种情形不只存在汤姆和玛莉之间,许多夫妻也都有类似问题。This problem is not just Tom and Mary's but is present in almost eery relationship.

导演引见的给力,演员们也摆脱不了老王卖瓜的嫌疑。Director of the present to force the actors also get rid of eery salesman boasts suspicion.

体重每增加5个单位,调整死亡率下降10个百分点。For eery 5-unit increase in body mass, the odds of risk-adjusted mortality fell 10 percent.

出于害怕拉奎那的名气以及黑压压的民众,士兵们逃走了。The soldiers, terrified of her reputation and the eery certainty of the largely unarmed men, fled.

我们的发现还应得到证实,但是截止目前,每项证据都表明橄榄油是一种健康食物。Our findings must be confirmed , but eery piece of evidence so far points to olive oil being a healthy food.

现在,很多手术中心已经不常规对每个病人使用抗呕吐药物。Many surgical centers hae abandoned the routine administration of prophylactic anti- emetics to eery patient.