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很多日本人努力保持平等待人的形象。MANY Japanese strive to keep up egalitarian appearances.

当我们还是狩猎者时,我们是相当平等的。When we were hunter-gatherers, we were relatively egalitarian.

这并非仅仅出于功利主义的理由。他们并不都是功利主义者。It can't just be for egalitarian reasons, not all of them are egalitarians.

因为她良好的信用,她直率的给出了她所有的联系方式。To her egalitarian credit, she gives out all of her contact information freely.

事实上,沃尔玛并不像看上去的那样大众化,它所出售的商品都是选之又选的。But as egalitarian as Wal-Mart may seem, it is actually extraordinarily elitist.

远古人类大部分生存在小而平等的团队里依靠采集和狩猎为生。For most of their existence, humans lived in small, egalitarian hunter-gatherer bands.

虽然等级制度很明显,可是倭黑猩猩的社会常常被认为是平等的。This may seem obvious but bonobo societies are often portrayed as egalitarian affairs.

克鲁格说,所以更为平等的一夫一妻制社会可能会延长男人的寿命。Thus monogamous, more egalitarian societies may increase a man’s life span, Kruger explains.

孟加拉国的达卡和吉大港被认为是主张人人平等的城市。Some of the most the most egalitarian cities were found to be Dhaka and Chittagong in Bangladesh.

圣灵意味着有一个平等的社区,在这个社区之中,每个信仰者都彼此用爱相连,用自由与责任相连。What’s the Holy Spirit? It’s an egalitarian community of believers who are linked by love for each other.

但是有些人说日本社会是典型的群体社会,平等主义的考量可能碍事。But some say that egalitarian thinking, typical of Japan’s group-oriented society, might stand in the way.

他们所处的是一个平等的社会,因此你不能仅仅与村长交谈,而是与每个人交谈。They are an egalitarian society so you can't just talk to the village head, you've got to talk to everyone.

在西欧,在平均主义的左派中,组织化的基督徒通常扮演的是一种温和的声音。In western Europe, organised Christianity often acts as a modest voice in the ranks of the egalitarian left.

杰克逊支持建设一个更能体现平等主义的美国,但是他心中的那幅民主愿景却始终在种族界线上止步不前。Jackson stood for a more egalitarian America, but his vision of democracy stopped squarely at the color line.

与其它国家相比,美国的政治文化向来更强调个人主义、轻视平均主义。America's political culture has always been more individualistic and less egalitarian than that of other nations.

宇航员萨维茨卡娅坚持社会主义男女平等的传统,成为第一位在太空行走的妇女。Cosmonaut Savitskaya carried on the socialist egalitarian tradition by becoming the first woman to walk in space.

你们可以从中看出,Now,,you,could,imagine—,这是一个极具感染力的观点,因为在某种意义上,华生是一个极端的平等主义者。you could see in this a tremendous appeal to this view because Watson has an extremely egalitarian view in a sense.

本文是训诂学的两个有争议的案文,主张平等鉴于妇女的作用在教堂。This paper is an exegesis of two controversial texts, arguing for an egalitarian view of women's roles in the church.

政客们穿上牛仔裤是传递亲民的讯息,但也更容易犯穿衣禁忌。Jeans can send out a powerful egalitarian message, but are far more likely to be a sartorial deathtrap for politicians.

事实上,回顾历史,也只有相对公平的20世纪堪称独树一帜了。Actually, if one looks at a broad sweep of history, it is the relatively egalitarian 20th century that seems the exception.