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比起怀旧更像是哀歌。It is elegiac rather than nostalgic.

那音乐有一种梦幻般的哀伤。The music has a dreamy, elegiac quality.

在这本情意绵绵的哀歌式小说的末尾,他结束了一生。He died at the end of this wistful and elegiac novel.

我发现杜可风的摄影工作是有感觉的和衬歌式的。I found Doyle's camerawork to be lyrical and elegiac.

他把他的感情宣泄在凄惋而庄严的诗句里。He recorded his emotion in elegiac lines of magnificent dignity.

第一章为洛威尔及其挽诗的简介。ChapterOneisabrief introduction of Robert Lowell and his elegiac poetry.

这是深渊,在枕褥之间,挽联般苍白。This is an abyss, between the sheets, pale white like an elegiac couplet.

宋代是挽联的初始阶段,清代是挽联的成熟期。Elegiac couplet started in Song Dynasty and Qing Dynasty is its mature period.

林肯的就职演说,勇敢,祭文,因为它被说成飓风。Lincoln's inaugural address, brave and elegiac as it was, was speaking into a hurricane.

他直视镜头,表情既忧郁又凝重。He gazes directly into the camera, his expression a mixture of elegiac sadness and deep empathy.

文人挽歌诗往往带有自挽的性质,是特定时代的产物。Their elegiac poems expressed their self-pity and were the products of the given time and society.

一年中的很大部份时间,夏季度假村一片萧苏凄凉,以往最热闹的度假村常常倍感落寞。Summer resorts are elegiac most of the year, and a resort with its best days behind it is doubly elegiac.

在她们身后,有一个电子屏幕,上面展示了一张死者的照片,两边还有挽联。Behindthem, an electronic screen was displaying a picture of the deceased with elegiac couplets on either side.

现代诗人何其芳的早期爱情诗作,往往是在为他逝去的爱情吟唱挽歌。Most of early written love poems of the modern poet He Qifang are singing elegiac songs for his own flown loves.

在描写落叶的段落里,有一种挽歌式的腔调,似乎要抹掉,至少是挑战神学上的确定性。As with the passage on the falling of the leaves there's a kind of elegiac tone that works to undo, or at least to challenge, our theological certainty.

在描写落叶的段落里,有一种挽歌式的腔调,似乎要抹掉,至少是挑战神学上的确定性。As with the passage on the falling of the leaves there's a kind of elegiac tone that works to undo, or at least to challenge, our theological certainty.

诗歌最后一部分采用挽歌的口吻意在,告诉我们打败异教后的成功,预示着基督即将诞生。The elegiac tone of this final section of the poem should give us some clues to the type of victory over paganism that Christ's birth is actually heralding here.

诗歌最后一部分采用挽歌的口吻意在,告诉我们打败异教后的成功,预示着基督即将诞生。The elegiac tone of this final section of the poem should give us some clues to the type of victory over paganism that Christ's birth is actually heralding here.

这是2007年他在下议院的哀悼并且挑衅的告别辞演讲中尤其明显的表现,他在作为首相十年后宣布辞职。This was especially evident in his elegiac and defiant valedictory speech in the House of Commons in 2007, announcing his resignation as prime minister after a decade's service.

其用四六体写成的祭文,形式华美、声情并茂,具有较高的审美情趣和艺术价值,祭文成为骈文诸体中最富情采个性的一种体式。In particular, his elegiac address written in four-or-six-character style possesses high aesthetic temperament as well as artistic value with magnificent form and prosodic affection.