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词汇教学在英语教学中有着重要的地位和作用。And vocabulary teaching is of great importance to ELT in China.

如果是的话,那么在中国的英语教学中培养学习者自主性的意义何在?。If so, what's the significance of fostering learner autonomy in ELT in China?

本文从理论方面对英语教学中的情感因素作了分析和探讨。This essay analyzes and explores affective factors in ELT from the theoretical perspective.

死亡组患者除有TXB_2霜VWF升高外,还表现为虽有优球蛋白溶解时间缩短,但FDP并未升高。Though similar changes of TXB_2 VWF and ELT were found, elevated FDP was not seen in patients who died.

教材建设是高校评估和大学英语教学改革的主要内容之一。The thesis discusses the construction of ELT text-books based on the college English teaching reform in China colleges.

另一有效的措施是鼓励有能力的城市英语教师作为志愿者去农村短期支教。Another efficient step is to encourage competent city English teachers to volunteer for rural ELT on a short-term basis.

在大学英语教学中,传统的“以教师为中心”的教学模式一直困扰着英语教学质量的提高。In the ELT classroom, the traditional "teacher-centered" teaching model always hinders the promotion of the ELT quality.

商务英语作为专门用途英语中最活跃的分支,在国内外语教学地位日益突出。Business English, as the area of greatest activity and growth in ESP, has attracted correspondingly interest in China's ELT.

本文希望通过探讨合作学习对提高写作能力的作用为高中英语写作教学提供有益的启示。It is expected that research on improving English writing ability through cooperative learning would provide helpful implications for ELT.

在介绍了语料库的概念基础上,以两个大型语料库BNC、COBUILD为例,着重探讨在英语教学中语料库检索的作用及运用设计。This paper attempts to demonstrate with real evidence that based on BNC and COBUILD the use of online corpora in ELT classroom and its design.

穆达是BBC学英语部中国组英语教育节目的教材撰写人,为在中国播出的广播节目撰写广播和网上教材。Diarmuid Mitchell is the ELT Materials Writer of the BBC Learning English China team. He develops radio and online materials for broadcast in China.

旨在探讨中西方学习文化差异及其对大学英语教育的启示。The present study aims to make a comparison of culture of learning between China and the west and to analyze its implications on Chinese tertiary ELT.

九十年代中期以来,外语教学电子论坛相继建立,为全世界的外语教师提供了一种廉价、高效、信息量大的教学和科研工具。The successive founding of ELT mailing lists since the mid-90s has provided language teachers world-wide with a cheap, efficient and informative teaching tool.

一是社会、文化和心理因素,二是与教学任务的性质、进行方式相关的因素。Furthermore, this chapter discusses two kinds of factors, interpersonal and task-related, which affect the teacher's role performance in the student-centered ELT.

最近,外研社与迪士尼英语在BIBF上签署了战略合作协议,双方共同开拓迪士尼英语系列图书的中国市场。FLTRP recently signed with Disney English a strategic partnership agreement at the BIBF in order to develop the Disney English ELT products for the Chinese market.

学生成为写作的中心,教师则扮演引导者、启发者、组织者和协调者的角色。To solve the problem, the writer introduces the theory of cooperative learning to the ELT class, attaching the importance to the transformation of the teacher's role.

第一章是本文的引言,简要介绍了中国传统英语教学的特点和将注意力转向学生的必要性。Chapter one serves as a brief introduction of this dissertation, including the features of traditional ELT in China and the necessity of shifting focus to the students.

1990年7月,一九九零年中学英语学科优秀论文壹等奖,山东临沂市教研室、临沂市教育学会主办。First Prize of the 1990 Excellent English Papers in Secondary Schools, Sponsored by ELT Research Centre of Educational Bureau of Linyi and Linyi Educational Society, July, 1990.

目前,我国业已处于语言测试的心理语言学-社会语言学时期,诸多迹象表明交际语言测试已经初现端倪。Data also suggest that language testing at the present stage is in the psycholinguistic-sociolinguistic era, and communicative language testing has already taken shape in China's ELT Field.

本文试图运用合作学习的理论指导高中英语写作,借以提高学生的英语写作能力,改善英语课堂教学效果。Based on the theory of cooperative learning, this paper is an attempt to guide the students to English writing. It aims at improving students' writing competence and the effect of ELT classroom.