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如果你想一下,那这经验性地是真的。And if you think about it, that is empirically true.

第二部分为上市公司财务会计报告欺诈的现状研究。Part two is to analyze financial reporting fraud of listed company empirically.

我父亲根据实践和经验积累起他的造船知识。My father pragmatically and empirically built up his knowledge of boat-building.

实证检验了多重上市的股价异常效应及其影响因素。This paper empirically tests stock price abnormal behavior around cross-listing.

今天,亚里士多德将告诉我们更多,从实务上与政治上来说,政体所代表的意涵。Today Aristotle speaks more empirically more politically about what a regime is.

本文从消费者态度方面对品牌资产评估进行实证研究。This study explores the common factors of consumer-based brand equity empirically.

至少在实践上,古希腊人也知道其他的声学原理。The ancient Greeks were aware of other acoustical principles, at least empirically.

我还要向大家说明的一点是我的列表中的这些反模式并没有经过实际验证。I also want to be clear that my list of anti-patterns has not been empirically verified.

使本土的健康食品的业者能对其产品的通路行销策略有依循的标准。Local health-food manufacturers can learn from an empirically tested distribution strategy.

在此基础上提出并实证检验了金融生态系统的理论假说。Based on that, it brings forward and test empirically theoretical hypothesis of financial eco-system.

第五章实证检验了订单流不平衡对股票价格的冲击效应。Chapter 5 researches into the order imbalance price impact effect both theoretically and empirically.

对脉冲流区后的动持液量提出了单独的经验关联。A special correlation of dynamic liquid hold-up after the pulse flow regime is carried out empirically.

根据经验,然后我们看到,这些药物并没有改善他们的健康,只是消除他们的症状。Empirically then, we see that the medication has not at all improved their health, just their symptoms.

我们并实际验证此模型之知识分类技术。An experiment is designed to empirically evaluate CKCMA's multiagent knowledge classification technique.

心理学研究都是高度结构化的,先进行假说再用经验来检验。Psychological studies are highly structured, beginning with a hypothesis that is then empirically tested.

然而,在原始神经认知机中许多参数及训练模式都是凭经验设定的。However, many parameters as well as the training patterns are designed empirically in the original Neocognitron.

我们建立实际的风险收益平衡关系模型,并且用我们对不确定性的测量不断完善这些模型。We empirically model the typical risk-return trade-off and augment these models with our measure of uncertainty.

本文运用事件研究法对限售股上市流通的股价效应进行了实证研究。This paper empirically studies the stock price effect of restricted share's circulation by using the event study.

运用扩展线形支出系统模型对合肥市居民的消费结构进行了实证分析。This paper exert the model of ELES to empirically analysed the consumption structure of the resident in Hefei City.

针对此政策,本文利用GTAP模型对我国经济可能会受到的冲击与影响进行实证模拟。For the policy, this paper applies GTAP model to empirically simulate the impact and influence China may be subject to.