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观察他们,模仿他们。Observe them. Emulate them.

你并不需要通过模仿他人而获得幸福。You don’t need to emulate others to find happiness.

或许它最高可以模拟到3.40版本,但这也是极限了。It might be able to emulate up to 3.40 but that is it.

他们之间的是真爱也是我们应该仿效的!Theirs is true love – that we should emulate in good time!

我尽量想去模仿的是一种精神,而非是某些场面。It was a spirit, not a scene, that I was trying to emulate.

我很高兴看到贝尼特斯去模仿甚至超越香克利当年所作的。I would love to see Rafa go on to emulate what Shanks achieved.

绘出他们描绘的图景,宏伟,美丽,随意地模仿。To limn their portraits, stately, beautiful, and emulate at will.

维持这种相互感激之情的方法就是模仿别人。One way to preserve this mutual appreciation is to emulate others.

是否有可能在工作站中模拟所有这些功能?Is it possible to emulate all those capabilities in the workstation?

他们讨论如何学习这些同志大公无私的精神。They discussed how to emulate the selfless spirit of these comrades.

但最重要的是,应效仿中国打击盗窃犯的作法。But above all, emulate the Chinese in terms of dealing with thieves !

徐流的身后还跟着他的女朋友小袁。Slowly stream after death to still emulate his girl friend small Yuan.

有时,这些骗子模仿成祖先、灵魂、地球或者大自然。Sometimes the tricksters will emulate ancestors, soul, earth or nature.

员工希望你为他们表现出他们应当模仿的行为举止。Employees look to you to show them the behaviors that they should emulate.

太多的企业试图模仿领头羊或者与市场上的龙头进行竞争。Too many companies try to emulate a leader or compete head on in a market.

牧师劝告人们学习篱雀的生活方式不过如此。So much for the reverend's exhortations to emulate the ways of the dunnock.

红黑军团也将在日本仿效法拉利一样获得成功。The Rossoneri's club will try to emulate in Japan the feat of the Cavallino.

钧座,俺想顺着战壕走一遭,看看部队。Jun, the An wants to emulate dugout to walk one troops of encounter, looking.

从美学意义上讲,如果现实生活中能有这么些圈子,那将是相当美妙的。It would be nice to emulate that a little in real life, beyond the aesthetics.

事实上,我们在制定一个标准供中国模仿,因此招来了这些咆哮!We are in fact setting a standard for China to emulate. Hence these rantings !