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“我们需要控制各种开发活动的侵入,”他说。"We still need to control the encroachment of other development, " he said.

亚当斯的主题是美国西部,讲述人类对自然地侵犯。Adams's main subject is the American West, the encroachment of the man-made on the natural.

总之,人类的入侵和栖息地的丧失使棕颈鹭的数量在不断下降。In general, reddish egret numbers have declined due to human encroachment and habitat loss.

毕竟,这是官僚们的自然本能去抵抗对他们独断权力的蚕食。After all, it is in the nature of bureaucrats to resist any encroachment on their unbridled power.

莱茵的创作反应了她越来越关心政府对个人自由的侵犯。Rose's writing reflected her growing concern with government encroachment on individual liberties.

Wahhabi侵犯也门北部的石阿斯人领地被看做是北方叛乱的一大诱因。Wahhabi encroachment among the Shi’as of northern Yemen is one driver of the rebellion in the north.

执行力——产权应该从无意扣押或他人侵犯中握牢。Enforceability----Property rights should be secure from involuntary seizure or encroachment from others.

人类入侵这些自然地点还可能增加与生病动物接触的风险。Human encroachment on these natural sites could also increase the risk of contact with diseased animals.

罗根详述了欧洲帝国主义者缓慢入侵阿拉伯世界的几乎每一个角落。Mr Rogan details the slow encroachment of European imperialism into nearly every corner of the Arab world.

这个国家曾蚕食鲸吞了大片别国土地…The country had seized vast territories of other countries by piecemeal encroachment or wholesale annexation.

近年来,牧民草牧场权益被侵占问题时有发生。At present, the encroachment to the legitimate rights for herdsman's grassland problem is frequently occurrence.

非洲豹是该国著名的野生动物,但其生存正受到狩猎、气候变化和人类侵蚀的威胁。The survival of the country's famous wildlife is threatened by trophy hunting, climate change and human encroachment.

自由最大的危险潜藏于热情、善意但没有良好理解力的人们的隐伏的侵蚀中。The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well-meaning but without understanding.

作为对这种侵蚀的自卫,也为了扩大它们收税的地域范围,城市吞并了工业化的临近地带As a defense against this encroachment and to enlarge their tax bases, the cities appropriated their industrial neighbors.

在19世纪后半期,各个阿帕契族部落强烈抵制对他们领土的入侵。Various Apache tribes offered strong resistance to encroachment on their territory in the latter half of the 19th century.

一个常常十分冷静的家伙,对于谷歌侵入Firefox的领地表现的特别的泰然自若。Lilly, who is usually a calm fellow, appeared to be especially unperturbed by Google's encroachment into Firefox's terrain.

然而,如果我们有足够的意识和自我控制抵制它的侵蚀的话,我们就能采取相应的反应。However, we can influence our response if we have sufficient awareness and discipline to counter its unhealthy encroachment.

它们的生存区也十分有限,而且一直在递减,因为中国人口侵犯了它们的栖息地。They've also got a very restricted range, which is ever decreasing, due to encroachment on their habitat by the Chinese population.

伊朗在西方战略中的作用是对苏联的侵犯构成一道屏障,除非全力入侵,否则无法逾越。Iran's role in western strategy was to pose a barrier to soviet encroachment that could not be surmounted short of all-out invasion.

第三十六条国家依法保护未成年人的智力成果和荣誉权不受侵犯。Article 36 The State shall protect according to law the intellectual achievements and the right of honour of minors from encroachment.