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无尽的迷人。It's endlessly fascinating.

游行队伍没完没了地缓慢前进。The parade dragged by endlessly.

她无休止地谈论衣服。She tattled endlessly about dress.

流不尽是发烫的江水。The passionate river is going endlessly.

通惠精神,扎根通惠,生生不息。Tonghui Spirit roots and grows endlessly.

她没完没了地夸耀自己的高分数。She bragged endlessly about her high score.

讲话结束后,掌声络绎不绝。After his speech, applause went on endlessly.

弹珠无穷尽地倾泻到大理石地面marbles pouring endlessly onto a marble floor

他们无止无休地谈论人生、肺结核、书籍。They talked endlessly of life, tuberculosis, books.

这是为什么他会不断的更换伴侣。That is the reason he must change partners endlessly.

这小男孩老是哼哼唧唧地缠着他母亲。The little boy carried on endlessly about his mother.

变个不停的的规划,那还叫规划吗?Can an endlessly changing plan still be called a plan?

他没完没了地详述他旅行中所见到的各种奇观。He descanted endlessly upon the wonders of his trip.

我们不可能不休息而一直保持相同的产量。We can’t sustain the same output endlessly without rest.

无非就是买了件t恤什么的至于说个没完嘛。That they buy T-shirts for and spout off about endlessly?

如果只为工作和劳役,生命就会变得无尽的漫长。Were it for work and drudgery it would be endlessly long.

有时又想不顾一切来紧紧抱住你。At times I'd like to break through and hold you endlessly.

和她在一起,我总能不断的扩展我的视野。Living with her, I can always borden my horizons endlessly.

没有归属感------那是一种深深的,无穷无尽的哀伤侵袭着我。All I felt was a deep, endlessly sad sense of not belonging.

我愿,你是一个乐园,要你永远快乐幸福无边!I wish you were a fairyland, hoping you are happy endlessly.