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在生根过程中,内源腐胺含量增加了。Endogenous level of putrescine increases during root formation.

提示NO可能有内源性致痫作用。It suggested that NO might have the endogenous convulsant effect.

所以这个模型中的候选人数目,将是内在增长的So the number of candidates in this model is going to be endogenous.

不过,内生性结构的影响会严重打击这一理论。But the effects of endogenous structure can wreak havoc with this theory.

内源性的炎性因子是血一眼屏障破坏的根源。Endogenous pro-inflammatory cytokine was contributed to the BRB breakdown.

而温度对比内源呼吸速率的影响十分显著。The effect of temperatures on endogenous respiration rate was significant.

对斯氏艾美耳球虫的孢子形成过程和内生发育进行了观察。The sporulation and endogenous development of Eimeria stiedai were studied.

打顶在一定程度上也改变了叶片中激素含量。Topping also changed endogenous hormone content of leaves in a certain degree.

结论该方法灵敏度高,无杂质干扰,结果准确。CONCLUSION The method is accurate and sensitive with no endogenous interference.

在AJ模型的基础上,将技术溢出率作为内生变量。Based on AJ model, technology spillovers were considered as endogenous parameter.

从本质上说,中国的化进程是外源型的,而非内生的。In essence, China's modernization process is foreign-based, rather than endogenous.

人体的生理与行为节律是由内源性昼夜节律钟产生与调控的。Physiological and behavioral rhythms are governed by an endogenous circadian clock.

实验一采用认知提示线索诱发儿童的内源性外显注意转移。Cognitive cue was employed in experiment 1 to prompt the endogenous overt attention.

结论内外源性促性腺激素均可以激活卵巢源肾素-血管紧张素系统。Conclusion The both of endogenous and exogenous gonadotropins can activate the OVRAS.

内源性阿片样物质参与中央中核对该内脏痛的抑制过程。Endogenous opiate-like substances were involved in the CM-induced inhibitory process.

可见,萝卜小孢子的败育与内源激素平衡的破坏有关。The endogenous hormonal ratio was interdependent to the microspore abortion of radish.

德育中的"内发"论与"外铄"论统一于一个完整的德育过程。Endogenous and exogenous theories in moral education are united into a complete process.

事实证明,中俄经济合作的内生动力十分强劲。Facts have proved that China-Russia economic cooperation enjoys strong endogenous dynamics.

植物所需的磷素营养,主要来源于土壤内源、外源无机磷。Soil exogenous and endogenous inorganic P is the main source of plant requisite phosphorus.

影响市场的两个方面,一个是内生变量,另一个是外生变量。The market impact of the two, is an endogenous variable, and the other exogenous variables.