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这是一次令人愉快的讨论。It was an enjoyable discussion.

查理和我发现这是令人高兴的事情。Charlie and I find this enjoyable.

是一款令人愉悦的起泡酒。It is an enjoyable sparkling wine.

我认为那出戏没有什么意思。I don't think the play is enjoyable.

这是个非常让人快乐的地方。It's an extremely enjoyable place to be.

它们还会成为更宜于居住的地方。They are also more enjoyable places to live.

总的来说,他在那儿呆得非常愉快。On the whole his stay here was quite enjoyable.

我们使游客确信准能过一个愉快的假期。We assured our clients of an enjoyable holiday.

非常感谢这次愉快的通联。Thank you so much for the best enjoyable contact.

⊙、使人愉快的劳动,能医治心灵的创伤。The enjoyable work, can heal the trauma of the mind.

于客、于主,待在这家的每一个角落岂不都是种享受?To guest and lord, staying here is an enjoyable thing.

这次中国之行令我赏心悦目并且收获很大。My trip to China has been both enjoyable and productive.

两年后,她做了妈妈,一家三口其乐融融。Two years later, she made her mother, a three enjoyable.

即刻加入,尽享学习英文的无穷乐趣!Join us now for an enjoyable English-learning experience!

如果答案是否定的,能做些什么让你更享受工作吗?If not, is there anything you can do to make it enjoyable?

我们在奥斯汀和圣安东尼度过了愉快的几天。We spend several enjoyable days at Austin and San Antonio.

唐布拉草原的风景真是令人赏心悦目啊。The scenic Tangbula Grassland is really an enjoyable sight.

三个方面的因素使WALL-E成为如此令人愉快而又感动的电影。Three things make WALL-E such an enjoyable and moving film.

它让软件工匠们的生活变得更轻松、更快乐。It is making life easy and enjoyable for software craftsmen.

一路,有很唯美很写意的月光,陪伴。A road, a very beautiful very enjoyable moonlight, accompany.