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我恳求你帮助。I entreat your help.

我恳求你帮助。I entreat your pardon.

我恳求你发发慈悲。I entreat you to show mercy.

女神,我请求你发发善心。Goddess, I entreat your pIty.

恳请你答应这个请求。I entreat this favour of you.

好女王,看在我的脸上,请息怒吧。Good queen, let us entreat you.

女神,我请求你发发善心。Please don't go, I entreat you.

她不习惯于乞求于人。She was not accustomed to entreat.

我恳求你,不要为沮丧留地步。I entreat you, give no place to despondency.

她忧虑地看着她的双亲,好像在请求宽恕。She look anxiously at her parents as if entreat forgiveness.

无论你向他恳求多少,你都不会得到什么东西的。However much you may entreat him, you will get little or nothing.

别这么大声,父亲,我求求您,——为了您自己也为了我。Not so loud, father, I entreat of you--for your own sake as well as mine.

我的朋友,我亲爱的马西米兰,不要作匆忙的决定,我求求你。My friend, my dear Maximilian, DO not make a hasty resolution, I entreat you.

在于挺的苦苦哀求之下,熊阔海只能冒险找安德森帮忙。Is quite the piteously entreat under, XiongKuo sea adventure find Anderson help.

你可千万别以为我是跑到这边来找舞伴的。I entreat you not to suppose that I moved this way in order to beg for a partner.

我恳求他们去解放自己的伴侣,从而使女人成为他们真正的配偶!I entreat them to assist to emancipate their companion, to make her a help meet for them!

我的宝贝,求求你,不要紧的,别哭了,你父亲要生气的。My treasure, I entreat you, it is nothing of consequence, don't cry, you will anger your father.

“我的好朋友巴纳斯山先生,”爱潘妮说,“我求求您,您是好孩子,您不要进去!”"My good friend, Mr. Montparnasse," said Eponine, "I entreat you, you are a good fellow, don't enter."

所以如果他觉得我的毁灭是可以接受的,就让他用我乞求的嘴给我亲吻吧If therefore he is to find my holocaust acceptable, let him kiss me I entreat with a kiss of his mouth.

伦克朗老汉一下哭了起来,样子很可怜,因为那太痛了。Then he began to cry most piteously , for it hurt him very much, and to entreat her to release him again.