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公正性是其灵魂。Equity is its soul.

这就是衡平法。This became known as Equity.

第一,股权偏好First, in terms of equity bias.

是股权投资的收益性。The yield of equity investment.

这就是所谓的股票溢价现象。This is called the equity premium.

所以,你可以答应用股权支付。So, you could agree to pay in equity.

最近他们制定了一部衡平法。They enacted a law of equity recently.

所有政策中的卫生公平性是什么?What is health equity in all policies?

他们将得到多少的股权作为回报?How much equity will they get in return?

什麽是只付利息的房屋贷款?What is an Interest-Only Home Equity Loan?

第三章,两大主流权益理论。Chapter three, the two main equity theories.

F10股本资料智能更新。F10 equity intelligent update the information.

你是打算进行债务融资还是股权融资?Do you plan to go for debt or equity financing?

超额的剩余价额帮助我们扩大规模。Our excess of equity helped with the expansion.

这能说明两代间的平等吗?Does this account for intergenerational equity ?

收入的增加会导致业主权益的增加。Increase in revenue will increase owner's equity.

一个最好的是股本贷款扣税。One of the best is the equity loan tax deduction.

他们帮助新创立企业,出售许可证。They help start-ups and they sell license equity.

希捷曾经有过向私募基金公司出售的举动。Seagate has taken the private equity option before.

私募股权的收购者们你来我往。A succession of private equity buyers came and went.