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欧尼渴望学会转咖啡壶。Ernie yearned to learn to turn urns.

那人是美军记者厄恩利.派尔。The man was Ernie Pyle, the GI's reporter.

你不知道,我现在认识了阿尔那个已成年的小儿子,厄尼。You see, I knew Al's now adult son, Ernie.

厄尼·凯瑟劳是我在美国的第一位老师。Ernie Kaeselau was my first teacher in America.

其他人们熟识的成员还包括伯特、厄尼和大鸟。Other familiar faces include Bert, Ernie and Big Bird.

我们大伙知道,厄尼从你的文章中获得无穷的快乐。Most of us know what pleasure Ernie got from your article.

令人兴奋的事上的海滨高尔夫球场埃尔斯完成。Thrill to the oceanfront finish on the Ernie Els golf course.

以防忘记,我告诉大家这两个人物叫伯特和尔尼。These two guys, in case you forgot, are called Bert and Ernie.

肯塔基州州长恩尼。弗莱切少有公众支持。The state's governor, Ernie Fletcher, has little public support.

本,这段讲的就是厄尼把伯特埋到沙子里去了,然后找不到他。Ben, this is the part where Ernie buries Bert in the sand and can't find him.

厄尼推着一辆小车从拐角处慢慢地走了过来,车上装满供应品。Ernie comes slowly around the corner, rolling a steel mop cart loaded with supplies.

厄尼在一旁张着嘴震惊的看着,脚边是散落的残片。Ernie is left gaping in shock at Bogs and all the Bogs-related wreckage at his feet.

结果,那个难民男孩不仅是厄尼·科瑟劳当时的第一个,也是在这个追思会上流泪的惟一一个学生。The refugee boy not only led, as it turned out, he was the only former student of Ernie Kaeselau’s to cry at his memorial.

厄尼在拖地板,他回头看到了诺顿典狱长在十几个守卫的随从下来到牢房。Ernie is mopping the floor. He glances back and sees Warden Norton approach the cellblock with an entourage of a DOZEN GUARDS.

厄恩来来回回地旋转着方向盘,但是没有特意地操纵汽车沿路而行,他使用的是魔法。Ernie shifts the wheel back and forth but doesn't really steer the bus along the road specifically, he's making the magic work.

肯塔基州州长埃米。弗莱彻已经下令所有州政府办公楼下半旗向费雷德里克致哀。Kentucky Gov. Ernie Fletcher has ordered flags at all state office buildings to be lowered to half-staff in memory of Frederick.

“听起来很棒,先生。”厄尼搓着手奉承道。马尔福却没有一丝笑容。"That sounds good, sir, " said Ernie sycophantically, rubbing his hands together. Malfoy, on the other hand, did not crack a smile.

如果你擅长高尔夫并且能在一轮就击败你的朋友们,但是跟泰格-伍兹、厄尼-埃尔斯和维吉-斯恩相比较,你又有多好呢?If golf is your sport and you can beat your buddies in a round, how good are you compared to Tiger Woods, Ernie Els, or Veejay Singh?

约旦的紧张与主人安倍晋三波林,这名男子负责聘请他,可冲抵他的温和与通用汽车恩尼格伦菲尔德。Jordan's tight with owner Abe Pollin, the man responsible for hiring him, which offsets his tepid relationship with GM Ernie Grunfeld.

但厄尼议员,一个在工商东亚证券分析师说,他预计看涨人气在美国将继续支持本地市场。But Ernie Hon, a strategist at ICEA Securities, said he expects bullish sentiment in the U.S. will continue to support the local market.