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这是错误而又危险的。This is erroneous and dangerous.

抛弃舛误的观念。We should discard erroneous concepts.

可是,难道是寒雨墨听错了?But, is a cold rain Mo to listen to erroneous?

孩子不犯错误才是错误。It is an erroneous belief that children make no mistakes.

不能听任错误思想自由泛滥。No erroneous ideas should be allowed to spread unchecked.

这种相移会造成错误的测量结果。This phase shift may cause erroneous measurement results.

我们回了一封信,驳斥了他的错误观点。We wrote a letter in reply, refuting his erroneous views.

那么,目前我们党内主要的错误倾向是什么呢?What are the major erroneous tendencies in our Party at present?

错误思想一冒头,就及时采取了措施。Proper measures were taken as soon as erroneous ideas cropped up.

这些扯谈之说错的离谱,有些至多也只是部分基于事实。These myths are erroneous at best, sometimes based on half truths.

同样地,图像会误导人对三一真神持错误观念。Likewise, visuals can lead to erroneous ideas about the triune God.

要反对不尊重知识分子的错误思想。The erroneous attitude of not respecting intellectuals must be opposed.

决不允许错误思想到处泛滥。In no circumstances should erroneous ideas be allowed to spread unchecked.

以至于使用不好的光驱抓轨,可能会接收到不正确的结果。So on bad CD-ROM drives it is possible that you receive erroneous results.

当用户输入错误时,可以按退格键“撤销”错误的字符。When a user mistypes, the Backspace key "undoes" the erroneous characters.

这种论调,我们将在下章内看到,实在是错误的。This assertion, as we shall see in the next chapter, is certainly erroneous.

我认为,首先,这些观点实际上是对美国历史错误的看法。I think, first of all, those are actually erroneous views of American history.

互联网上存在大量低质量的、重复的甚至错误的信息。There is a large quantity of low-quality , repeated and erroneous information.

在一些国内和国际公司确实存在这种错误的搭配关系。This erroneous match-up is true for both domestic and international companies.

第三种容易导致“拖延”的错误想法就是完美主义。A third type of erroneous thinking that leads to procrastination is perfectionism.